Krugman starts off his post today lamenting the fate of our very own Brainwrap:
So Charles Gaba, whose excellent site ACA Signups has been a huge secret resource for those of us covering health reform, is getting the Bernie Bro treatment. Never mind his long service to the cause of covering the uninsured (and his declaration that he’ll support either candidate in the general): his carefully laid-out explanation of his support for Hillary Clinton’s incremental approach means that he’s a corrupt tool of the oligarchy.
Then he goes on to discuss the emerging consensus cabal of henchmen for the Oligarchs:
Oh well. Meanwhile, the Sanders skepticism of the wonks continues: Paul Starr lays out the case. As far as I can tell, every serious progressive policy expert on either health care or financial reform who has weighed in on the primary seems to lean Hillary. This could be because being in the trenches of the health care fight gives you an acute sense of the possible, and because having paid close attention to the financial crisis makes you a shadow-banking, not too big to fail guy. Or it could be because they are, one and all, corrupt corporate lackeys. I report, you decide.
An acute sense of the possible. Paging Robby Mook? I hear a slogan in there.
Anyway, I have read Krugman for years and I know what I think of him. I feel no need to respond to assertions that he is a shill and corrupt and a criminal and an oligarch and a Wall Street lackey and a member of the Establishment and a Very Serious Person. But have at it.