It’s disheartening that this diary’s image, tagged “propaganda” to illustrate Republican ‘truthiness’, is applicable to the Democratic primary. There’s been a flood of social sharing with articles from Blue Nation Review that are gushing about Hillary and strategically assuaging every doubt about her.
An article entitled “Hated By Insiders, Loved by the People – Hillary Clinton Is the Great American Populist” is compelling, because it addresses a frequent complaint about Hillary. It would be even more compelling if it was from independent media and not an organization owned by her PAC. It’s also written by Peter Dauo who isn’t a journalist and was the social media manager for Hillary in 08.
Dauo spent most of the past several months writing for a partisan blog called “Hillary Men”. He doesn’t qualify as a reporter, and his articles should be published as collateral by her campaign with full transparency into what it really is and who’s behind it all. Clinton surrogate David Brock used his PAC’s slush fund to acquire Blue Nation Review several months ago, and it has now ramping up with Dauo as his spinmaster, unleashing a deluge of astroturfing on the eve of the Iowa caucus. It recently ran a ridiculous piece of propaganda by Dauo stating that ‘Sanders is the establishment’, and the frequency of such “articles” is increasing as the primary contest intensifies.
Propaganda is undemocratic and undermines the principle of an independent media as the forth estate in our republic. This strategy is nothing more than disinformation, and is a deliberate effort to trick democratic voters to favor Hillary. We’d be unrelenting in our criticism if a republican did this and are responsible to keep our house clean.