A little birdie told me that Eileen Bedell’s birthday was yesterday. A very Happy belated Birthday to her! Now it’s our job to make sure that she gets to open the present she most wants on November 8th, Dave Brat’s derriere in a sling.
Dave Brat really needs to go back to lecturing kids in a college classroom and leave the rest of us alone. We really do Brat our gratitude, he got rid of that strutting, arrogant popinjay Eric Cantor for us. And now it’s time for us to return the favor and send him packing.
Seriously, Dave Brat carries more baggage than an airline curbside porter. My friend Aleurophile has been doing a great job of chronicling his antics. She goes into details about Dave Brat's stumping for The Orange Julius HERE, and chronicles his alt-right love affair HERE. Both are well worth the read to get a good idea of who and what Dave Brat really is.
Eileen Bedell is the goods. She is a native Virginian. She has been a local lawyer for more than 20 years, working with individuals and small businesses, she has roots.
She is bedrock solid on a woman’s right to choose, supports the 2nd Amendment but wants common sense legislation to keep guns out of the wrong hands, wants to strengthen Medicare and Social Security and wants to improve and expand the Affordable Care Act. She’s also on 90for90.org so Dr. Fergie says it’s OK.
This should be ours if we work it. Virginia is trending solidly behind Hillary, which is great, but when we’re registering and knocking on doors, we need to highlight those down ballot races as well. Let’s give Eileen her best birthday present ever by sending “The Brat” back to his corner! To learn more about Eileen, go HERE. To donate to her campaign click HERE. And to pitch in personally to help get her across the finish line, click HERE.
Thanks as always for reading, and GO Blue!