Above quote from www.adweek.com/…
This is a short think piece…. but consider, Monica Lewinsky is a 43 year old woman now who is an anti-cyber-bullying advocate. She’s mostly avoided the public eye, but she does speaking engagements about cyber-bullying, did a TedTalk, gave an interview to The Guardian, and wrote a candid and powerful Vanity Fair article.
She gave an interview with Time which was the cover story, in the Mar. 15 1999 issue. It was the first interview she gave after the furor of the relationship with President Clinton:
TIME: Are you going the celebrity route: Monica Inc.?
Lewinsky: No. I think that if I can use my name to do something that would help people and make a contribution, I’d love to work with kids. I love kids. I have more fun with kids sometimes than I do with adults. I’m only human. There are some things that I’m going to do because it’s fun. And people can criticize me. They criticize me anyway…I don’t consider [myself] a celebrity, because I think that the root of the word is celebrated: someone society should celebrate, and while I haven’t given autographs, people have asked, which is so bizarre to me. I don’t feel that I should be honored for what I’m known for. You need a Time subscription to read it here.
This is a summary.
Trump, is a thrice married man who cheated on his wife:
In the summer of 1990, at the height of his bitter divorce from his first wife, Donald Trump was carrying on a very public extramarital affair with a former beauty queen, Marla Maples.
As part of the couple’s divorce proceedings, Ivana Trump’s lawyers asked him under oath about his dealings with other women and whether he had been faithful to his wife.
Instead of answering, Donald Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. Over the course of five depositions that summer, he was asked approximately 100 questions related to marital infidelity. He pleaded the Fifth on 97 of them. www.huffingtonpost.com/...
Now he plans to attack Hillary for being an enabler and allegedly insulting Monica in private: emphasis added
The cameras have returned because of the headlines: a conservative Web site has gone poking around the University of Arkansas archive of one of Hillary Clinton’s closest friends and admirers, Diane Blair, and has unearthed a cache of memos from the 1990s. In some of them, Blair, who died in 2000, quotes the former First Lady about her husband’s relationship with me. Though Hillary, according to Blair’s notes, claimed to find her husband’s “lapse” inexcusable, she praised him for trying to “manage someone who was clearly a ‘narcissistic loony toon.’ ”
My first thought, as I was getting up to speed: If that’s the worst thing she said, I should be so lucky. Mrs. Clinton, I read, had supposedly confided to Blair that, in part, she blamed herself for her husband’s affair (by being emotionally neglectful) and seemed to forgive him. Although she regarded Bill as having engaged in “gross inappropriate behavior,” the affair was, nonetheless, “consensual (was not a power relationship).” www.vanityfair.com/...
I can certainly see why Monica would want to stay on the sidelines this political season. But consider that no matter how she feels about Hillary now, and no matter how she feels about Bill, she still is being dragged into the campaign by a notorious misogynist bully (cyber and in every other way) and having Trump as he defender may disgust her enough to speak out.