When we talk about the second presidential debate on Sunday evening between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump, we can talk about interruptions, word salads, ignorance and lying—and then we can talk about Hillary Clinton. There’s no longer any question as to which candidate is more knowledgeable, more experienced, more mature and more fit to be president. In two minutes, Hillary Clinton laid it all out for America and the world.
One thing that might be fun to do when reading or watching the clip: ask yourself if you can you imagine Donald Trump doing even one of these things—ever. Because, I can’t.
So the clock is ticking—and Hillary Clinton begins.
“Look, he has now said [about me] repeatedly “30 years this, and 30 years that.” So let me talk about my 30 years in public service. I'm very glad to do so.
- Eight million kids, every year, have health insurance because when I was First Lady, I worked with Democrats and Republicans to create the children's health insurance program.
- Hundreds of thousands of kids now have a chance to be adopted because I worked to change our adoption and foster care system.
- After 9/11, I went to work with Republican mayor, governor and president to rebuild New York and to get health care for our first responders who were suffering because they had run toward danger and gotten sickened by it.
- Hundreds of thousands of National Guard and reserve members have health care because of work that I did.
- And children have safer medicines because I was able to pass a law that required the dosing to be more carefully done.
- When I was secretary of state, I went around the world advocating for our country, but also advocating for women's rights to make sure that women had a decent chance to have a better life.
- And negotiated a treaty with Russia to lower nuclear weapons. 400 pieces of legislation have my name on it as a sponsor or cosponsor when I was a senator for eight years.
- I worked very hard and was very proud to be re-elected in new York by an even bigger margin than I had been elected the first time.
- And as president, I will take that work, that bipartisan work, that finding common ground because you have to be able to get along with people to get things done in Washington. I've proven that I can and for 30 years, I've produced results.”
Here is the video:
Times up! Okay, Donald, it’s your turn. You can give us your list now.
Thank you, Madam Secretary. Once again you make us proud to be Democrats.