This would be awesome enough on it’s own...
Poll: Clinton widens Mich. lead as Trump support slides
Donald Trump’s support in Michigan is showing signs of collapse as Democrat Hillary Clinton widens her lead to nearly 12 percentage points in a new statewide poll released to The Detroit News and WDIV.
Clinton led Trump 42.2 percent to 30.6 percent in a four-way poll of 600 likely state voters conducted after the second debate Sunday night. It followed last weekend’s GOP crisis over a decade-old recording of Trump making sexually aggressive comments about women.
...but it’s the next paragraph which made my ears perk up:
When asked, 1 in 4 Republicans surveyed said their billionaire nominee should drop out of the presidential race. Trump has dismissed the idea suggested by some Republicans such as U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Michigan’s U.S. Reps. Fred Upton of St. Joseph and Justin Amash of Cascade Township.
...The Monday-Tuesday poll reveals “a lurking tsunami out there for the Republicans” running for Congress, the Michigan House of Representatives and other local offices, said Czuba, president of the Lansing-based Glengariff Group.
Here’s the thing: As I’ve noted before, I’m running for County Commissioner in Mitt Romney’s literal hometown. This includes Bloomfield Hills, Bloomfield Township and Birmingham.
The district is heavily Democratic candidate for this office has gotten more than about 40% in recent memory; it’s basically 2:1 GOP.
However...again, these are mostly Mitt Romney Republicans. They don’t like Donald Trump one little bit. During the GOP primary, John Kasich beat him by 10 points (40% to 30%).
In addition, while there’s a lot of Republican women in the Birmingham/Bloomfield area, it’s my understanding that they tend to be pro-choice.
Guess who’s endorsed by Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan?
Meanwhile, guess who (unless she’s issued some statement in the past week which I’m unaware of) still supports Donald Trump even now?
Now, don’t get me wrong; it’s still an absurdly steep hill to climb, but consider this: That 25% is among statewide Republicans. That means it includes true Trump types. Oakland County Republicans tend to be of the less insane variety, and Birmingham/Bloomfield GOP are mostly of the Romney variety, as noted above.
Charles Gaba’s ActBlue Page
I don’t have any data on this, but I’m willing to bet that within Birmingham/Bloomfield, that 25% is probably more like 40% or so who can’t stand/are utterly embarrassed by Trump.
If so, how many of them will sit the entire election out?
Beyond that, how many will be turned off by my opponent’s continuing support of Donald Trump and might be willing to give a Dem a shot for once?
If it’s anywhere close to 25% or higher and I’m able to boost Dem turnout heavily as well, I might actually have a shot at this thing.