South Dakota is an absolutely fascinating state to watch this year. South Dakota, who’d a thunk it? Well, thunk it. It is a poster child for just how toxic the Trumpashima radioactive cloud is, and how far it’s reaching. When you have in incumbent Republican Senator, John Thune, and a Republican Governor , Dennis Daugaard both feel that they have to come out publicly and not only renounce Trump but call for him to step aside, you know all is not well. And both men are catching serious grief on social media for their treason to the Trump Nation. Awww, poor babies.
Well, not Kristi Noem. She’s a loyal GOP soldier, stating she would still vote for Trump even after his horrible sexist statements over the weekend. And a loyal sailor like that fully deserves to go down on the Trumptanic, tied to a smokestack. She was first elected to Congress in 2010, and doesn’t seem to have much to show for it except a $1M war chest.
Paula Hawks truly is a breath of fresh air. She grew up on a working family farm, with her brothers and sister, so she knows chores and hard work like the back of her hand. She stayed local, graduating from SDSU, where she met her husband. And best of all, she has been serving in the South Dakota state legislature since 2011, she has name recognition, and a functional campaign structure.
Paula is strong on the issues. Being literally a farm girl, she is strong on agriculture in and for the state. She supports enhanced funding for K-12 and for affordable college, trade schools and technical schools. She wants to make South Dakota a clean energy leader, and God knows they have the space and wind to do it, solar may also be attractive there. She wants equal pay, paid family leave and a Federal minimum wage increase. She is strong on Native American affairs, especially in improving the Native American Public Hospital System, and that matters in South Dakota. And she’s listed on our best buddy, the august
Paula needs all of the love and support she can get. As I stated earlier, her opponent has just over $1M for this race, Paula has less than $300,000. Fortunately, her opponent has agreed to debates, so if anybody is watching, she and her message are getting out there. And best of all, money may not be the usual issue. She is actually getting a boost from the Orange Julius himself, why else would the local GOP be running so scared? She can hammer Noem constantly about her allegiance to Trump. If GOP voters stay home, and we have a strong turnout, she could pull this out. To learn more about Paula, you can go HERE. If you want to toss in some coin to help her, you can go HERE. And if you want to check out the countryside or hit the phones, you can go HERE. Let’s get Paula Hawks to Washington and let her go to work!
Thanks as always for reading, and GO Team Blue!