Sounds crazy doesn’t it? But it’s not. The truth is that Trump has no ideology. That can be used in our favor.
Trump tends to suck up whatever is floating around him. The progressives especially have the best shot at getting close to him because they can be viewed as outsiders. /s Just like my man Trump. /s Both Sanders and Warren have already reached out to him. Personally I think they’re being a little too honest.
I think progressives should lie, cheat and steal to get next to the orange one. Just like business people do every day in the private sector. That’s what this guy is used to and that’s how to get close to him. It will work. Yeah, it makes me queasy too. But getting next to him is the first step.
But maybe Warren and Sanders honest approach will work too. It’s worth a try.
Does that mean we don’t fight every step of the way? Hell no. It’s just another prong in a multi pronged attack. Use all the arrows in your quiver so to speak.
Below is an excerpt from a speech by Warren the other day. I will add emphasis.
Think about it.
The truth is that people are right to be angry. Angry that wages have been stagnant for a generation, while basic costs like housing, health care, and child care have skyrocketed. Angry that our political system is awash in barely legalized campaign bribery. Angry that Washington eagerly protects tax breaks for billionaires while it refuses to raise the minimum wage, or help the millions of Americans struggling with student loans, or enforce the law when the millionaire CEOs who fund our political campaigns break it. Angry that Washington pushes big corporate interests in trade deals, but won’t make the investments in infrastructure to create good jobs right here in America. Angry that Washington tilts the playing field for giant corporations – giving them special privileges, letting them amass enormous economic and political power.
Angry that while Washington dithers and spins and does the backstroke in an ocean of money, while the American Dream moves further and further out of reach for too many families. Angry that working people are in debt. Angry that seniors can’t stretch a Social Security check to cover the basics.
President-Elect Trump spoke to these issues. Republican elites hated him for it. But he didn’t care. He criticized Wall Street and big money’s dominance in Washington-straight up. He supported a new Glass-Steagall. He spoke of the need to reform our trade deals so they aren’t raw deals for the American people. He said he will not cut Social Security benefits. He talked about the need to address the rising cost of college and about helping working parents struggling with the high cost of child care. He spoke of the urgency of rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and putting people back to work. He spoke to the very real sense of millions of Americans that their government and their economy has abandoned them. And he promised to rebuild our economy for working people.
The deep worry that people feel over an America that does not work for them is not liberal or conservative worry. It is not Democratic or Republican worry. It is the deep worry that led even Americans with very deep reservations about Donald Trump’s temperament and fitness to vote for him anyway.