Talking Points Memo late last night after most were in be published this brief stunning announcement -— “And Here We Go”:
“Paul Ryan just announced that as part of repealing Obamacare he plans to phase out Medicare and replace it with private insurance for retirees.”
Republicans for years and especially Paul Ryan has floated this plan to privatize Medicare and now he may get his way if we don’t fight back.
New York Magazine had a longer story at:…
During the campaign, coverage of the issues was blotted out by coverage of Hillary Clinton’s emails and Donald Trump’s broad suite of sociopathic tendencies. And of the issues that did receive any attention, a conspicuously missing one was Paul Ryan’s plan to push Medicare beneficiaries into private health insurance. Reporters just assumed that, since Trump never talked about it, it won’t happen. But Paul Ryan still wants it to happen. And in a Fox News interview with Bret Baier, Ryan said Medicare privatization is on.
So Republicans have already overplayed their hand with trying to abolish a very popular program.
Get the word out and fight back.
** Update: Thanks for being Recommended and giving attention to this issue. We need to watch these things because during Trump’s first 100 days, the Republicans will try to sneak many horrible things through Congress and onto Trump’s desk to sign. We’ve got to stop them cold.
Remember “Shock Doctrine.” That’s what the Republicans will try to do before anyone realizes what crazy things they will try to accomplish early in Trump’s reign.