Steve Bannon, Breitbart, & The Alt-Right Is Working With Russia and Here is Proof
The modern Alt-Right sees themselves as a modern “Pat Buchanan,” John Birch, and William F. Buckley far right intellectuals that want to bring down Western, multicultural liberal culture as we know it to install a “Traditionalist” worldview. In their own words, they see the future this way:
As the decisive struggle in the second half of the 20th century was vertical, East vs. West, the 21st century struggle may be horizontal, with conservatives and traditionalists in every country arrayed against the militant secularism of a multicultural and transnational elite.
In other words, they think the future is not a battle between East and West (US vs. Russia), but Traditionalist verses Secularists and multiculturalists. The modern Alt-right has embraced Putin as an ally in their battle to install a “Traditionalist” worldview. The “Traditionalist” Alt-right believe that Republicans and Conservatives have abandoned them and embraced multiculturalism and allowed things like the acceptance of gays, gay marriage, and multiculturalism.
Because of this, they have abandoned hope in American Conservatism and crossed country lines. They have written articles about Putin being one of them. Here is an article by Pat Buchanan claiming that Putin is their ally: Also, here is an article by Breitbart describing that the modern alt-right sees themselves as modern “Pat Buchanan,” Traditionalist intellectuals seeking to defeat the Western multiculturalism and liberalism.…
Because mainstream Republicans and conservatives have abandoned the cause and accepted things like gay marriage and multiculturalism, the Alt-Right Traditionalists needed to find a new ally and they found a powerful ally in Putin. The Alt-Right thinks that Putin will be their new Traditionalist hero as they have been marginalized by the Republicans and Conservatives of the West. Here are some articles on this alliance:
The Alt-Right believes that Putin has done a good job imposing “Traditionalism” in Russia. They applaud him for his stance on gays and liberal Western multiculturalism. Putin’s Chief Strategist, Alexander Dugin, has become the intellectual hero of Alt-Right “Traditionalists” around the world.
In a recent state of the nation address, Putin rejected ‘the mandatory acknowledgement of the equality of good and evil’—i.e., the increased acceptance of such amoral things as gay rights and access to abortion in the United States, among other countries. Buchanan applauded him. He also applauded India, whose Supreme Court recently upheld a Victorian British law criminalizing homosexuality.
In the constantly liberalizing lineup of world leaders, Buchanan [and Traditionalists] seem(s) to have found a particularly soft spot for the Russian president. In September, Buchanan came to Putin’s defense against critics of Russia’s ban on “homosexual propaganda,” from President Obama to Jay Leno to The New York Times. In October he heralded Putin’s Times Op-Ed on why the U.S. shouldn’t strike Syria, calling it ‘outstanding’ and much more compelling than Obama’s argument.
What Does Trump Have to Do With This?
Trump’s Campaign Manager and newly named Chief Whitehouse Strategist, Steve Bannon, is an Alt-Right Traditionalist, Nationalist and has been using his Alt-Right platform, Brietbart News, to reshape the West into a Traditionalist worldview. In the summer of 2014, Bannon laid out his global nationalist worldview to conservatives.
In his speech, he talked about the dangerous of the secular West and wanting to reinstall a Judeo-Christian, Traditionalist foundation in the West. He wants to get rid of liberal ideology. He, himself, is not against Jews although he knows a lot of the parties he supports are. He stated in his speech that he thinks that they will eventually shed themselves of their anti-Jewish stances. He thinks we are on the verge of a “bloody war” and wants us to be “church militants.”
Here are some excerpts of the speech by Steve Bannon:
And I believe we’ve come partly offtrack in the years since the fall of the Soviet Union and we’re starting now in the 21st century, which I believe, strongly, is a crisis both of our church, a crisis of our faith, a crisis of the West, a crisis of capitalism.
And we’re at the very beginning stages of a very brutal and bloody conflict, of which if the people in this room, the people in the church, do not bind together and really form what I feel is an aspect of the church militant, to really be able to not just stand with our beliefs, but to fight for our beliefs against this new barbarity that’s starting, that will completely eradicate everything that we’ve been bequeathed over the last 2,000, 2,500 years.
* * *
The other tendency is an immense secularization of the West. And I know we’ve talked about secularization for a long time, but if you look at younger people, especially millennials under 30, the overwhelming drive of popular culture is to absolutely secularize this rising iteration.
Now that call converges with something we have to face, and it’s a very unpleasant topic, but we are in an outright war against jihadist Islamic fascism. And this war is, I think, metastasizing far quicker than governments can handle it.
* * *
I think it really behooves all of us to really take a hard look and make sure that we are reinvesting that back into positive things. But also to make sure that we understand that we’re at the very beginning stages of a global conflict, and if we do not bind together as partners with others in other countries that this conflict is only going to metastasize.
The tea party in the United States’ biggest fight is with the Republican establishment, which is really a collection of crony capitalists that feel that they have a different set of rules of how they’re going to comport themselves and how they’re going to run things. And, quite frankly, it’s the reason that the United States’ financial situation is so dire, particularly our balance sheet. We have virtually a hundred trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities. That is all because you’ve had this kind of crony capitalism in Washington, DC. The rise of Breitbart is directly tied to being the voice of that center-right opposition. And, quite frankly, we’re winning many, many victories.
On the social conservative side, we’re the voice of the anti-abortion movement, the voice of the traditional marriage movement, and I can tell you we’re winning victory after victory after victory. Things are turning around as people have a voice and have a platform of which they can use.
* * *
And you’re seeing that whether that was UKIP and Nigel Farage in the United Kingdom, whether it’s these groups in the Low Countries in Europe, whether it’s in France, there’s a new tea party in Germany. The theme is all the same. And the theme is middle-class and working-class people — they’re saying, “Hey, I’m working harder than I’ve ever worked. I’m getting less benefits than I’m ever getting through this, I’m incurring less wealth myself, and I’m seeing a system of fat cats who say they’re conservative and say they back capitalist principles, but all they’re doing is binding with corporatists.” Right? Corporatists, to garner all the benefits for themselves.
And that center-right revolt is really a global revolt. I think you’re going to see it in Latin America, I think you’re going to see it in Asia, I think you’ve already seen it in India. * * *[S]o I think this is a global revolt, and we are very fortunate and proud to be the news site that is reporting that throughout the world.
* * *
When Vladimir Putin, when you really look at some of the underpinnings of some of his beliefs today, a lot of those come from what I call Eurasianism; he’s got an adviser who harkens back to Julius Evola and different writers of the early 20th century who are really the supporters of what’s called the traditionalist movement, which really eventually metastasized into Italian fascism. A lot of people that are traditionalists are attracted to that.
One of the reasons is that they believe that at least Putin is standing up for traditional institutions, and he’s trying to do it in a form of nationalism — and I think that people, particularly in certain countries, want to see the sovereignty for their country, they want to see nationalism for their country. They don’t believe in this kind of pan-European Union or they don’t believe in the centralized government in the United States. They’d rather see more of a states-based entity that the founders originally set up where freedoms were controlled at the local level.
* * *
[W]e the Judeo-Christian West really have to look at what he’s [Putin] talking about as far as traditionalism goes — particularly the sense of where it supports the underpinnings of nationalism — and I happen to think that the individual sovereignty of a country is a good thing and a strong thing. I think strong countries and strong nationalist movements in countries make strong neighbors, and that is really the building blocks that built Western Europe and the United States, and I think it’s what can see us forward.
You know, Putin’s been quite an interesting character. He’s also very, very, very intelligent. I can see this in the United States where he’s playing very strongly to social conservatives about his message about more traditional values . . .
The Modern Battle Isn’t East Vs. West But Traditionalists (Alt-right & Putin) Vs. Modern Western Culture
Steve Bannon is a self-described Leninist. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Bannon proudly claimed, “I’m a Leninist.” “Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Bannon includes in that his desire to bring down the whole Washington establishment, both parties, and Western liberal, secular governments. Here are some news sources discussing his Leninist views:
Bannon Admits That His Breitbart News Is the Platform for the Alt-Right & Traditionalists
"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon proudly told reporter David Korn at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July. Here is where Breitbart News explains that they see themselves as modern intellectual Pat Buchanans. “Breitbart's reach and influence threaten to redraw the entire political map of the west, and indeed it is already doing so, forging alliances with the most far-right extremists in Europe as it goes.”…
Bannon, Brietbart, & the Alt-Right Are Acting in Concert With Russia to Reinstall a Traditionalist Worldview
The Alt-Right has joined forces with Russia to battle the forces of liberalism. Their plan is Leninist in nature. Their plan stretches across all of the West and has been incredibly successful. Their plan was to join forces with Russia, push nationalism and alt-right movements, break apart the EU and Western Alliances that push multiculturalism, to use Chaos theory on the West, and for them to rise out of the ashes. They see Putin as their ally in their fight against multiculturalism, secularism, abortion and gays.
After the financial crisis and its fall out, Putin sensed weakness in the West and created a plan to capitalize on working class anger from the fall out of the financial crisis. The plan was to flame the fuels of Nationalism and xenophobia to weaken western ties and alliances and to ultimately destroy the West in internal chaos and fighting between races and cultures and for Traditionalist Nationalism to rise from the ashes. Bannon and the Alt-Right apparently believe that Russia has done a better job of keeping its national identity and kept away leftists who accept gays and multiculturalism.
Evidence of Bannon, Breitbart, the Alt-Right & Russia are Acting in Concert
- Currently, Breitbart News and Russia are working in concert to get Alt-Right to bring the far right wing Nationalist party in France, the National Front, to power.
- The National Front is a far right political party that is very socially conservative, nationalist, opposes immigration, and has been associated with Neo-Nazism.
- Breitbart News announced that it was expanding into France and that it hired the Alt-Right National Front party leader’s niece, Marion Marechal-Le Pen, to run Breitbart News there.
- Marion Marechal-Le Pen holds her own seat in the French Assembly.
- Breitbart France plans to be the platform for the Alt-Right in France.
- Party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen congratulated Mr. Trump, tweeting: “Today the United States, tomorrow France.”
- National Front deputy leader Florian Philippot followed up with a chilling tweet saying “their world is crumbling. Ours is building.”
- Here are the sources for those claims:
- Russia is also overtly helping Le Pen and her National Front party to get elected President of France.
- Bloomberg Business reported that Russian banks are bank rolling the Le Pen Presidency bid with $27 million now and a promise of $52 million.
- Here are some other articles discussing Russia’s open support for Le Pen and her far right extremist party:
Bannon, Breitbart, & Russia Are Acting in Concert Around Europe to Bring Alt-Right Groups to Power
Bannon’s Ties to the Alt-Right & Brexit in London:
Bannon and Breitbart London worked closely with the Alt-Right Ukip Party in Britain and its leader, Nigel Farage, to promote Brexit, push Anti-immigrant, Anti-Nato, and Anti-EU rhetoric. Breitbart London posted articles claiming that the EU planned to ban popular British tea kettles and toasters.… Breitbart London heavily pushed for Brexit using all of the conspiracy theory type claims and scare tactics that they use here. Breitbart also fueled anti-europe and ant-immigrant sentiments.
Murdoch, who has had his hands in the Trump election, also worked with Bannon to push Brexit in England.
- Murdoch owns the most popular newspapers in the United Kingdom, the largest share of the television market (Sky Media & News Corp.), and Sky News Radio which supplies the news to most of the UK’s commercial radio stations.
- Murdoch owns The Sun newspaper, the most read newspaper in the United Kingdom.
- Murdoch also owns The Times, which was considered the most prestigious newspaper in the United Kingdom, and The Sunday Times among others.
- Murdoch blatantly used his media, including The Sun newspaper, to stir up anti-Europe, anti-EU, and anti-immigrant sentiment. He used his papers, T.V., and radio in the United Kingdom to stir up hostility and push for Brexit.
- His frontpage headlines were often used to stir up hostility toward immigrants. One of his front page headlines was entitled, “The Great Migrant Con.” Click here to see the cover.
- Another was stirring up anti-Polish immigrant hostility with a headline on “How to be a Pole on the Dole,” stirring up hostility by claiming that the Polish immigrants were ending up on British welfare. Click here to see one article.
- He used his media in the United Kingdom to create nationalist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant sentiment to promote his own agenda.
- The Sun newspaper also stirred up nationalist sentiment and urged voters in its headline to “beLEAVE in Britain.”
- And to free Britain of the “dictatorial Brussels.”
- The paper routinely bashed Europe and the EU calling it greedy, wasteful, a bully, and incompetent. Furthermore, his media stirred up old WWII resentments. Click here to see cover stirring WWII resentments.
- Murdoch even took credit for Brexit after the vote by putting the following headline in The Sun: “IT'S THE SUN WOT SWUNG IT Our paper led the fight against the EU and had the strongest influence on people voting for Leave.” “[A poll found that] *** 30 per cent of them were most motivated by our Brexit campaign.”
- “The Sun’s BeLEAVE in Britain front page and Independence Day plea helped give millions of readers the courage to cut free from Brussels.”
- “Director Patrick Basham added: “It appears a Leave victory would owe a fair amount to The Sun campaign’s resonance among working class, male, and older voters especially.” Click here for the article.
Bannon’s Ties to the Far Right in England
- The far right Ukip party and its leader Nigel Farage have close ties to Steve Bannon who helped them in the campaign for Brexit.
- According to the U.K. Telegraph, “Steve Bannon, Mr. Trump's chief strategist, will ‘run ideas’ past the Ukip leader before discussing them with the British Prime Minister, claims Arron Banks, the millionaire Ukip donor.”
- Mr. Banks said the president-elect and Mr. Farage were old friends who spoke or texted each other “every day – they are best mates”.
- He said: “There is no doubt about it that Steve Bannon will talk to Nigel Farage before any other British politician and run stuff by him.” The closeness of their friendship was “not going to go away”, he said, because “Nigel has a hotline to the president and the president’s chief adviser.”
- Mr. Banks said: “These people have no idea how close their relationship is – it really is close.”
Russia’s Ties to Ukip, Nigel Farage, & Brexit in London
- Nigel Farage pushed an anti-western alliance, anti-EU, anti-immigrant agenda in England.
- Farage was the leading Brexit politician, weakening the EU Western alliance. The EU has sanctions against Russia and without Britain, it may be hard to keep the sanctions in place.
- Farage condemned EU policy toward Russia. “Ukip has also faced scrutiny, given that Nigel Farage and other senior staff have praised Mr. Putin and accused the EU of “provoking” Russia’s annexation of Crimea.”
- Nigel Farage has made monthly appearances on Russia’s state-owned TV, Russia Today, and has come under scrutiny for it in England.
- In one of Farage’s 17 appearances on Russian TV seen by the Guardian and transmitted since December 2010, he claimed Europe is governed not by elected democracies but instead "by the worst people we have seen in Europe since 1945".
- In a TV debate, Farage said that Russia had been provoked and that the “EU had blood on its hands” for trying to force Ukraine to choose between itself and Russia.
- Farage caused surprise when asked by GQ magazine which politician he most admired. He replied: "As an operator, but not as a human being, I would say [Vladimir] Putin."
- A Kremlin-backed TV station offered Farage his own TV show on State owned Russian TV because his views were so in line with Russia.
- Nigel Farage has campaigned here with Bannon for Trump.
- “The right-wing British politician who helped persuade Britain to vote to leave the European Union has claimed Donald Trump’s sweeping victory in the U.S. presidential election as the latest result of a populist wave that is set to upturn the political order in Europe in 2017.”
- “Brexit was the first brick that was knocked out of the establishment wall. A lot more were knocked out last night,” Nigel Farage, the interim leader of the U.K. Independence Party, told TIME on Wednesday” speaking of the election of Donald Trump.
- “Now, populist parties in Europe — which include Italy’s Five Star Movement and Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France — stand ready to continue the fight, says Farage.” “I don’t think it is finished yet, I think this phenomenon is set to sweep other parts of Europe over the course of a couple years.”
- “Farage feels personally responsible for this Western, nationalist movement— which he calls ‘nation-states democracy.’ He plans to embark on a tour of Europe in 2017 to continue preaching the gospel of Brexit. ‘This is the extraordinary thing, those who of us who have these points of view are treated by the establishment as being so disreputable what we shouldn’t even exist,’ he says. “I think it is too late now. The genie is now completely out of the bottle.”
Other Evidence That Right Wing Groups Throughout Europe Are Acting In Concert With Russia
- A research organization called the Political Capital Institute found that 15 far-right European parties were acting in concert with Russia. The organization found that: “Russian influence in the affairs of the far right is a phenomenon seen all over Europe as a key risk for Euro-Atlantic integration.”
- Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Moldova elected Pro-Russian, Anti-EU Presidents, Alt-Right Presidents:………
- “American intelligence agencies are to conduct a major investigation into how the Kremlin is infiltrating political parties in Europe.”
- “James Clapper, the US Director of National Intelligence, has been instructed by the US Congress to conduct a major review into Russian clandestine funding of European parties over the last decade.”
- “The US move came as senior British government officials told The Telegraph of growing fears that “a new cold war” was now unfolding in Europe, with Russian meddling taking on a breadth, range and depth far greater than previously thought.” “It really is a new Cold War out there,” the source said, “Right across the EU we are seeing alarming evidence of Russian efforts to unpick the fabric of European unity on a whole range of vital strategic issues.”
- A dossier of “Russian influence activity” seen by The Sunday Telegraph identified Russian influence operations running in France, the Netherlands, Hungary as well as Austria and the Czech Republic, which has been identified by Russian agents as an entry-point into the Schengen free movement zone.
- “Russian influence has also been detected in a referendum in the Netherlands next April over whether to block the EU’s closer relations with Ukraine. Sources said arguments deployed in support of the referendum ‘closely resembled’ known Russian propaganda.”
- Austria’s far-right Freedom Party attended a conference in Russia calling on an end to sanctions against Russia.
- Here is Bloomberg Business article on how Putin’s Propaganda machine is meddling in European elections.…
- Putin’s advisor’s plan for “liberating” Europe laid out:
- Here are some articles including ones by the Telegraph and Foreign Affairs discussing that Russia is working in concert with Alt-Right Parties across Europe:
Germany Is The Crown Jewel & Next for Breitbart & Russia & They Are Working in Concert to Bring Germany Down
- Breitbart News says it plans to expand into Germany and be the voice of the Alt-Right movement there.
- Breitbart is already spreading anti-establishment and anti-immigrant sentiment in Germany with articles such as this one entitled “Germany’s Secret Islamic Horror: How Blind Elites Are Destroying A Once Great Nation”
- Breitbart News: “Germans ‘Flee’ to Hungary to Escape Merkel’s Migrant Policy, Fear ‘Civil War’”
- Germany has already found that Russian propagandists are operating there and are trying to stir up Nationalist and anti-immigrant sentiment.
- Putin’s propaganda machine ginned up a fake anti-immigrant story to influence the German elections. Putin alleged that a Russian national in Germany was raped by a gang of Muslim immigrants. Russians living in Germany flooded the streets to protest Angela Merkel and her open-door policy. Germans were likewise outraged.
- “German officials say the controversy -- known as the “Lisa Affair” -- was ginned up by President Vladimir Putin’s propaganda machine to undermine Merkel in the run up to last month’s regional elections, which resulted in stinging losses for her party. Merkel said the rape never happened. Putin claimed that she was covering it up. Germany is aware that there are currently many Russian propagandists at work in Germany.
- “All it took was a spark for things to spill over,” said Heinrich Groth, the chairman of a lobby group for Russian Germans who helped organize the January protests that were attended by about 30,000 people.”
- “The worry now in Berlin, Brussels and beyond is that with Britain poised for a historic referendum on European Union membership and national votes in France and Germany next year, Putin will intensify efforts to divide the 28-member bloc.”
- “Russia is starting to weaponize electoral processes in Europe,” said Joerg Forbrig, senior program director of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. in Berlin. “The Lisa Affair was a real eye-opener.”
- “Europe is making a rightward turn,” Dmitry Abzalov, who runs a consultancy in Moscow that advises the Kremlin on opposition groups in Europe. “And Merkel has shown herself to be weak on the migration issue.”
- “Juergen Hardt, foreign policy spokesman in the Bundestag for the CDU/CSU alliance, said Putin may try to cloak his activities, but it’s clear he’d rather see a fractured Europe than a united one -- and the road to this goal runs through Berlin.”
- “The underlying logic is that when you discredit Chancellor Merkel and Germany, you also weaken Europe,” Hardt said.
- Here are some articles on how the Kremlin is Manipulating Europe’s refugee crisis.
Evidence of Trump’s Pro-Russian Views & His Ties To Russia
- Former CIA Director, Mike Morell, is concerned that Trump’s allies are working on behalf of Russians.
- Trump said that he would recognize Crimea as a Russian Territory. no-surprises-as-trump-says-he-could-recognize-crimea-as-russian--lift-sanctions-7746.html
- Anti-Western alliance Nato -
- Anti-European Union, Pro-Brexit stances.
- Repeatedly praising Putin — "Look at Putin -- what he's doing with Russia -- I mean, you know, what's going on over there. I mean this guy has done -- whether you like him or don't like him -- he's doing a great job in rebuilding the image of Russia and also rebuilding Russia period," Trump told Larry King on CNN. "Putin has big plans for Russia. He wants to edge out its neighbors so that Russia can dominate oil supplies to all of Europe," Trump said. "I respect Putin and Russians but cannot believe our leader (Obama) allows them to get away with so much...Hats off to the Russians." “The man has very strong control over a country,” Trump told Matt Lauer. “It’s a very different system and I don’t happen to like the system, but certainly, in that system, he’s been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader.”
- Saying he would look to remove sanctions against Russia.
- Trump Energy Advisor, Carter Page, is a major investor in Russian State-Owned energy and will benefit from the removal of sanctions against Russia.
- Trump’s previous campaign manager, Paul Manafort had known ties to Russia. Manafort worked on ally of Putin, the Prime Minister of Ukraine’s political campaign.
- Emails obtained by the Associated Press show that Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, worked on a “covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine’s ruling political party, attempting to sway American public opinion in favor of the country’s pro-Russian government.”
- Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump campaign advisor and Trump National Security Advisor Appointee, appeared at the 10th anniversary dinner last December for State Run Russian Television, one of the Kremlin’s most scurrilous propaganda outlets. Flynn sat at Putin’s table and was reportedly paid to give a speech during the festivities.
- According to emails released by Wikileaks, Colin Powell, a retired four-star general who served under three Republican presidents, slammed Donald Trump’s closest military adviser, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, as “right-wing nutty” and “a jerk” according to the former secretary of state’s personal emails seen by BuzzFeed News.
- “I spoke at DIA last month,” Powell wrote in a July 19 email exchange with his son. “Flynn got fired as head of DIA. His replacement is a black Marine 3-star. I asked why Flynn got fired. Abusive with staff, didn’t listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc. He has been and was right-wing nutty every [sic] since. I watched about five minutes on line of his talked [sic] and switched off.”
- The Washington Post reported when Flynn was forced out of the DIA that “critics said that his management style could be chaotic.”
- “Trump and his campaign have also spread propaganda created as part of the Kremlin's effort, relying on bogus information generated through traditional Russian disinformation techniques.”
- Trump’s largest real estate investors are Russian. At a real estate conference in 2008, Trump’s son Donald Jr. reportedly declared, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
- Trump’s computer server appears to have been communicating with Russia:
- “When Putin ripped American exceptionalism in a New York Times op-ed in 2013, Trump called it ‘a masterpiece.’” — Slate
- Computer scientists found that a Trump computer server had been directly communicating with Russia during the campaign. This is still being researched.
- And let’s not forget that Russia Hacked Hillary Clinton’s and the DNC’s emails and they were being released in an attempt to influence the election in favor of Donald Trump.
- Putin’s Propagandist, Alexander Dugin, endorsed Trump.…
- “The Russians have cultivated Washington—hiring fancy firms to craft strategy, donating money to think tanks, building a small coterie of wonks sympathetic to their leader’s view of the world. The Trump campaign is the unlikely culmination of this effort. It has been a magnet for like-minded fans of Putin. Fans might not be quite the right term, since so many of these advisers have profited from proxies of the Russian state.”…
- Here is a good article talking about some of Trump’s ties to Russia and how they may have been cultivating him for decades.
Why Is Trump Part of The Alt-Right/Russia Movement?
There are several theories:
- According to the Conservative Magazine, The Federalist: “Not only that, there is a money trail. Russian organized crime channels have funneled many millions of dollars into Trump’s businesses. Without these funds, Trump would be out of business, as, in consequence of his string of cons and failures, legitimate financiers in the West will no longer lend him money.” Trump had organized crime ties through the years because of all of his casinos (he had several DOJ investigations of his ties over the years) and he relied on them when he needed to be bailed out. Trump is now beholden to Russian criminal elements.
- The Federalist article above claims that, “Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, formerly chief henchman to Putin-allied Ukrainian dictator Victor Yanukovych, was himself directly involved in transferring millions of dollars of such Russian mob funds to the Don.”
- Another theory is from a Former CIA agent working for a Republican candidate in the primaries. He was assigned with researching Trump for the Republican candidate found evidence that Donald Trump had been “compromised” on one of his trips to Russia and that they have incredibly damaging information on him. He was so worried about the information, he handed it over to the FBI. There was a period that Trump frequently traveled to and spent time in Russia when he was trying to build a Trump tower there and when he was running the Miss Russia pageant.
- Another theory is that Trump is badly in debt to Russia. After Trump filed for his huge bankruptcies, no US bank would loan money to him, so we went to the Russians. Trump’s largest real estate investors are Russian. At a real estate conference in 2008, Trump’s son Donald Jr. reportedly declared, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
- Trump is just a useful tool that doesn’t realize that he is being used by the Alt-Right and Russia.
- An Ex-Russian spy said that Russia had been cultivating a relationship with Trump for 5 years.
Even Conservatives Like Glenn Beck, David Frum, and the Federalist Are Terrified
- Even conservatives like Glenn Beck are terrified about Bannon and their plans to remake the West.
- Here is an article in the Blaze about Steve Bannon’s push for a world wide ultra right:
- Neoconservative David Frum has this to say about Trump and last night called for possibly using the 25th Amendment to Impeach and remove Trump.
- David Frum predicts that Trump will become an Authoritarian:
- Here is what a former writer at Brietbart has to say about Bannon: “As Mandel puts it, "There's no gray area here: Bannon is a bad guy. And he now has control of a major campaign for president."
This is What the NY Times Said About Hitler in 1922
- The Times wrote: "Several reliable, well-informed sources confirmed the idea that Hitler's anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded, and that he was merely using anti-Semitic propaganda as a bait to catch masses of followers and keep them aroused, enthusiastic, and in line for the time when his organization is perfected and sufficiently powerful to be employed effectively for political purposes."
- The Times also quoted an unnamed politician who said Hitler was being politically deft for exaggerating his anti-Semitism.
- "You can't expect the masses to understand or appreciate your finer real aims," the newspaper quoted the politician as saying. "You must feed the masses with cruder morsels and ideas like anti-Semitism. It would be politically all wrong to tell them the truth about where you really are leading them."
Here are some other stories on how Russia is using the Alt-right to weaken the West:
What is the End Game for Russia and the Alt-right?
The book “’Putin’s Master Plan: To Destroy Europe, Divide NATO, and Restore Russian Power and Global Influence’ attempts to draw attention to the role of Vladimir Putin in upsetting the global order, and boldly sets out some of his key ambitions: to destroy Europe, divide NATO, and restore Russian power and global influence.” Russia’s grand plan is to weaken the West and Western alliances and to install puppet governments throughout the West that are Russian friendly. Their plan is to gain control of governments democratically through getting their Alt-Right candidates elected and then to use Chaos theory to destabilize the countries to install a more Authoritarian, Traditionalist ideology.
They plan to use propaganda to try to fuel problems with race relations, problems with immigrants, etc. Then, they can get rid of liberal Western ideas in the name of protecting the people. They want Muslims to get angry about how the governments speak about them. They want violence between cultures, religions, and races so that they can institute things like bans on Muslims, Muslim registries, and greater surveillance.
The Alt-Right wants to install Nationalism and Traditionalism in the West. They want a ban on abortions, they are against gays, against gay marriage, against immigrants, against multiculturalism, and against modern liberal values. They want to have a strong Judeo-Christian basis in Western nations. They believe that their views align more closely with Putin’s than the West and that aligning with him will allow them to destroy the Republican and Democratic establishment and put in place their worldview.
And this is not far fetched. This is exactly what is already happening in Poland and Hungary right now. In Poland, the Alt-Right government proposed a law criminalizing all abortions and cracked down on the media. Those countries are very quickly moving toward being Authoritarian regimes again.…