You know society is on the skids when the middle-class white women are standing on tables delivering fiery political speeches (my speech). The election results on November 8th stirred up our communities and brought the tension to a boil in neighborhoods all across the United States. In my neck of the woods, Midlothian, Virginia, over 90 women came together to discuss our disgust and shock over the election and to plan ways to move forward toward social and political justice.
Most liberals know about Pantsuit Nation by now, the secret group that sprung up on social media in support of Hillary Clinton during this past year of absurd debates and unfair critiques from the Right. Many of the stories posted on PSN have inspired or helped align disenfranchised subsets in the Left. I needed to know I wasn’t surrounded by solely Trump supporters in my middle-class neighborhood, so I started a secret group of my own — hoping to gather some likeminded friends that lived near me. LWCC — Liberal Women for (Hillary) Clinton & Cocktails — has grown to over 600 in under a month.
We’ve had our first large group meeting (see above) with speakers from our county’s Democratic Committee, and we’ve split into 12 subgroups by geography to make more intimate meetings possible. Don’t sit still and moan into your coffee mugs — get out and take action. If soccer moms are doing it — what’s your excuse?