Apparently the peaceful transition of power between administrations is not going as well as it once was. As usual, we were introduced to this news by Donald Trump throwing another sniffy goddamn tantrum on Twitter.
“Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks,” Trump tweeted, referring to President Barack Obama by his initial. “Thought it was going to be a smooth transition - NOT!”
Which roadblocks? None were specified. Perhaps Trump thinks the Obama staffers have been going through the White House room-by-room replacing all the doorknobs with ones too large for his tiny hands to work. Perhaps Trump just heard that the Obama administration will indeed be responding to Russian election hacks even if Donald Trump considers Vlad Putin his own personal pal. Perhaps Steve Bannon stubbed his toe on a chair leg even after the Trump team specifically requested padding be deployed on all government furniture to prevent exactly that.
The most obvious cause of Donald's new pique, however, is almost certainly the same thing he's been going on about for three days. Obama said, during an interview, that he probably would have beaten Trump in a head-to-head election. And as we all know from watching each and every tantrum the obsessively narcissistic Trump has ever thrown, Donald Trump was deeply infuriated by this statement.
In Trump's world you are either currently praising Trump, in which case you are a friend and he has "great respect" for you, or you are currently not praising Trump, in which case you are a scheming plotter and a terrible person and Donald Trump is going to have a very public fit at you for days, or weeks, or even months to punish you for saying an unkind word in his general direction even if he himself has spent much of his recent life declaring that you were crooked or a weakling or not even truly an American citizen.
So after weeks of being perfectly gentlemanly toward Trump—not engaging at all in the sort of antics the rest of us are up to, calling him our pumpkinfuhrer or making snide comments about doorknobs—Barack Obama mused in an interview that he thinks he could maybe have won an election against him and now Trump is tantruming his thumbs off about how well now that transition isn't going smoothly at all because of Obama's "many inflammatory statements" and new, unspecified "roadblocks."
But that was hours ago. He may also have—whoops!—completely changed his mind since then.
The man is a 70-year-old spoiled little child. They really do need to take his phone away, but they need to follow it up with taking away his car, his plane, and just bricking him up in Trump Tower for the duration of his administration and calling it done. Slide some McDonalds burgers through the mail slot each day, he'll be fine.