How closely does the Trump team identify their cause with that of Vladimir Putin? This closely.
“I will tell you that even those who are sympathetic to President Obama on most issues are saying that part of the reason he did this today was to quote ‘box in’ President-elect Trump,” incoming counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway said Thursday night on CNN. …
Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor and prominent Trump supporter, said Friday that Obama’s decision to impose sanctions late in his second term was “extraordinary” and added that he has “never seen a president try to create more problems for a future president.”
Those problems being putting slight speed bumps into Trump’s immediate desire to follow through on Rex Tillerson's deal to give Putin half a trillion dollar.
The aligning interests between Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia’s choice for U.S. president (Donald Trump), and Big Oil represents the gravest threat to humanity (and democracy) since the rise of the Axis powers in the 1930s.
Trump still refuses to acknowledge the conclusion of all 17 federal intelligence agencies that Russia is behind the hacking of DNC and private emails related to the election. Trump has already suggested that he will bring in his own intelligence team, a position that Giuliani supports.
Giuliani, who works as a security consultant for foreign governments, said it would be a mistake for Trump to implicitly trust any intelligence information produced under the current administration. … “Here’s what you do: You get your own people to review it,” Giuliani said. “There’s no question that the intelligence that President Obama has been getting has either been incompetent or politicized.”
Whereas Giuliani’s analysis is, of course, pure as driven snow and based on nothing but the unvarnished truth. You can tell that because … he works as a security consultant for foreign governments. Unlike the intelligence agencies of the United States who do not work as consultants for foreign governments.
Rudy was joined in this detailed analysis by John Bolton.
Like Giuliani, the former U.N. ambassador said intelligence gathering under the Obama administration had become “politicized” to the point where Trump and any Congressional investigations should take care to reexamine the facts.
That “politicized” team includes CIA Director John Brennan, who has served in the CIA for 25 years, and was appointed as deputy executive director by Bush. It includes Defense Intelligence Agency Director Vincent Stewart, a Lt. General in the Marines with 33 years in service. It includes Air Force and CIA veteran Betty Sapp at the National Reconnaissance Office. Those, and thousands more, are the people Trump, and Conway, and Giuliani don’t trust, while they’re putting their faith in Putin.
It also includes Admiral Michael Rogers at the National Security Agency, who has 35 years in service and 30 years in cryptography and electronic warfare. Rogers has served as the head of U.S. Cyber Command and U.S. Fleet Cyber Command before becoming head of the NSA. Mike Rogers agrees that the hacking of the DNC emails was done by Russia, for the express purpose of helping Donald Trump.
But of course, he can’t match up to Giuliani.
”I do cybersecurity for a living, and this is prolific, and there should be very strong reactions against anyone who did it. But I would urge President Trump, when he becomes President Trump, to have his own intelligence people do their own report, let’s find out who did it, and let’s bang them back really hard.”
The only question remaining: Who will Trump’s team blame for the hacks while Putin, Tillerson, Page, Flynn, Manafort and Trump are toasting the deal that solves Russia’s fiscal problems and keeps Putin comfortably on his throne?