Don’t worry, you didn't miss it. Donald Trump didn't suddenly do a press conference—which means that his last press conference of the year will most likely also be the one in which he invited Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails and make them public.
Here's some clips from that July 27, 2016, press conference.
Can you say, creepy? In fact, way more creepy in retrospect. Russia, are you listening? Why, yes, Donald.
"They probably have them," Trump said of Clinton’s emails. "I would like them released." And no, it didn’t give him pause to collaborate with a foreign government. "If they have 'em, they have 'em," he said. Oh, well, in that case… wtf?
Actually, it sounds weirdly like Trump knew exactly what the Russians had and didn't have along with what they would and wouldn't do with that information. He’s just crazy enough to spill the beans on something like that. Anyone else want to know what he knew and when he knew it?
Of course, Trump would almost certainly hide behind executive privilege. On the other hand, testimony by a sitting president before congressional committees isn’t completely unprecedented.
But at the very least, that video tells us that serious investigations into Russian interference in our elections shouldn’t be allowed to die under Republican rule in 2017.
If you think President Obama should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Russia’s role in the 2016 election, sign the petition here.