Pennsylvania voters are very well aware that their Republican senator, Pat Toomey, is standing with the rest of his party against President Obama, and they don't appreciate it. The state's African-American voters are going to lead the charge, because they've had enough.
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Watching the fight unfold between President Barack Obama and Senate Republicans over who should choose the next Supreme Court justice, Michael A. Bowden got angry at what he saw at the latest affront to the first black president.
And then his thoughts turned from Washington to his own state.
Obama won't be on the ballot this fall, but Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Pat Toomey will—and Bowden has made defeating him in November a priority.
"This kind of thing really burns me to the core," said Bowden, a 56-year-old Air Force veteran from Philadelphia. "I've already started planting the seed in people's heads that Sen. Toomey is one of those people in lockstep with the Republicans. This could give him a wake-up call that he could be vulnerable as well." […]
For black voters like Mecca Bey, if Toomey wins, it won't be for lack of trying on her part.
"I will make sure I motivate my friends to get rid of him," said Bey, 40, of Landsdowne. "I've been educating people on what he's actually doing right now so they don't forget in the fall what he's involved in."
From the birther bullshit to “You lie!” to the knee-jerk opposition to anything that this president has attempted to accomplish, yeah, there's some history here with this Republican Senate. Now that 24 of these senators are up for reelection, it's payback time.
Toomey might be the particular focus of this story, but he's certainly not the only Republican in this boat.
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