Back during the 2008 primaries when then-Senator Obama was closing in on the Democratic nomination, a new group developed called “Party Unity My Ass” aka “PUMAs”. They were the last 10% of the hard core dead-enders that refused to give up the fight for Hillary’s campaign against Barack Obama. They organized around the notorious anti-Obama website,
The Hillary is 44 website was soon taken over by Republican trolls to spread vile conspiracy theories regarding Barack Obama. It has lasted for 8 years and is now very pro-Trump and anti-Hillary. It’s a crazy, insane website that no one takes seriously except for the delusional.
During the 2016 campaign, became a major central rallying location for Bernie Sanders’ supporters. Now, the same thing is happening that happened to the PUMAs. It's turning from pro-Sanders to anti-Hillary to pro-Trump. Subreddits like… have turned very nastily anti-Hillary, led by the “Bernie or Bust" crowd while others like… have become unhinged Donald Trump fanatics.
I like Reddit, but I fear that it may have jumped the proverbial shark and I can only hope that it comes back to it senses after November.