Even Fox News can't polish this one.
According to a new Fox News poll, 77 percent of voters knew of the harsh words exchanged between Trump and the Khans in the wake of Khizr Khan’s fiery anti-Trump speech at the Democratic National Convention. Nearly 7 in 10 of those who have heard about the controversy think Trump stepped over the line.
Even Republicans are split on Trump’s response: 40 percent say his criticism of the Khans was “in bounds,” while 41 consider his reaction “out of bounds.”
Curiously, launching a weeklong verbal war against the family of a dead American soldier is not high on the list of things American voters want to see from their prospective president, go figure, although Republicans appear to be torn between that stance and that special conservative muscle twitch that obliges them to blurt "but Muslim!" when faced with such a choice.
There are other alarming signs.
Among Trump supporters, a majority says their vote is better described as being against Clinton (52 percent), while less than half are voting because they like him (44 percent). [...]
On temperament, 64 percent [of voters] say Clinton has it. Just 37 percent say Trump does.
So even Trump voters don't like Trump, and only a third of voters even consider him to have the mental wherewithal for the job. That's ... interesting. The sort of "interesting" that could see even Fox News bail from their presidential candidate before the election comes around, if he keeps stinking up the place with rants against everything from Gold Star families to the moms of crying babies.