In what might be the best 30 seconds of a political ad of the year, Jason Kander puts his opponent, Republican Sen. Roy Blunt to shame on attacks Blunt has made over terrorism and guns.
The ad shows Kander in a blindfold, with a rifle on a table in front of him. "Sen. Blunt has been attacking me on guns," Kander says as he begins assembling the rifle. "Well, in the Army, I learned how to use and respect my rifle. In Afghanistan, I volunteered to be an extra gun in a convoy of unarmored SUVs," Kander says. "And in the State Legislature, I supported Second Amendment rights. I also believe in background checks, so the terrorists can't get their hands on one of these," he adds, holding the rifle he just assembled, blindfolded. Then comes the kicker: "I approve this message, because I would like to see Sen. Blunt do this," he says, displaying the rifle and taking off the blindfold.
This follows up a longer ad released earlier this week, again talking about his military service, contrasting the "men and women serving our country overseas who never ask what's in it for them" with politicians "who put their party, their pay raises, and their political careers ahead of doing what's right for the country," concluding that it's time for a new generation of political leaders "who've come of age in a time of unprecedented challenges and threats to our country, who will do what's right, no matter the personal cost."
These hard-hitting ads, which you can see below, follow on the news that the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee is jumping into the race with a $1.5 million ad buy. That gives Kander even more opportunity to release his own ads, which is good. Very good. Because these ads are as good as the campaign Kander has been running, one of the most effective challenges this cycle.
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