Folks this is concerning and red alert news and there is nightmare possibility that we might very well see Donald Trump become President of United States, if Russia is successful in hacking into our electoral machines & vote count on election day.
With Russia establishing beachheads in the U.S. at least since April, officials worry that in the final weeks of the campaign the Russian cybercapability could be used to fiddle with voter rolls, election-reporting systems and the media, resulting in confusion that could cast a shadow over both the next President and the democratic process.
Just imagine all of us work so hard to turn out our folks to the polls, but all it takes is some hacker changing the vote counts and nobody even notices it. No wonder Republicans fought so hard to stop paper trial or paper ballot. On top of it, you have a republican controlled state election board like John Husted in Ohio, who will happily leave the door open for these hackers and even look the other way if this happens. I have this feeling Trump is betting on this and never misses a chance to praise Russia & Putin. It’s scary!
Few highlights from the article:
“Based on briefings we have received, we have concluded that the Russian intelligence agencies are making a serious and concerted effort to influence the U.S. election,” they said. “At the least, this effort is intended to sow doubt about the security of our election.” Orders for Russian intelligence agencies to conduct electoral-influence operations, they added, could come only from very senior levels of government. “We call on [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin to immediately order a halt to this activity.” The statement, though not endorsed publicly by the Administration, was cleared with the CIA.
In Illinois, the feds found that Fancy Bear had stolen 85,000 voter records from that state’s registration systems in mid-July. Later that month, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) revealed that it, too, had been hacked by Fancy Bear.
I don’t understand why Obama administration is not making this a big deal to alert the public and drum up the support to have a paper ballot or receipt when you vote.
I still remember Ohio in 2004 and there is suspicion that Karl Rove & his buddies might have swayed the election by rigging/hacking into computers to change votes on election night. Bradblog run lot of stories on this subject back in 2004 and how John Kerry might have lost the election because of rigging and hacking.
All is ask you is don’t laugh or ridicule my post as this is serious and in an internet age, nothing is impossible. Let’s do our part and first vote and then keep sharing this news to raise the awareness of this issue.