What in the holy hell WAS that?
It was like watching a live version of a Free Republic rant.
How can anyone watch that and think that man is in his right mind? Oh my God tear this dude apart!
He thinks his White House is running like a fine tuned machine? Is he delusional? Maybe he thinks that staffers at each other’s throats is the way things are supposed to be, because that is the atmosphere he always engenders by his bizarre behavior? Or is he lying to make himself look good—just another version of “if it’s mine it has to be the best”?
The man who whines about the need for extreme vetting for refugees who have already been through a two-year examination process didn’t bother to vet his cabinet picks or his staffers. Several staffers failed their background checks, and one cabinet pick dropped out because of hiring an undocumented worker, something that even non-extreme vetting would have revealed.
Staffers contradict each other on television and communicate with each other by going on cable news shows.
The NSA Chair broke the law by engaging in diplomacy before anyone in the administration was sworn in. DJT says he didn’t ask him to do it, but he would have, because he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Then other staffers are reported to have improper contacts with Russia during the campaign. DJT denies point blank that he knew about any of it. So he is either a liar or incompetent. Or both.
Flynn commits a felony by lying to the FBI. But they claim he was fired for “losing the President’s trust” for not revealing his phone call to the Vice President, who seems completely out of the loop. Except first they said he resigned on his own, except before that KAC said he had the complete confidence of the president!
DJT asked for his resignation but somehow he blames the media for being responsible for destroying Flynn’s career. You mean the media who reported on the antics you hoped to keep secret?
The man picked to place Flynn apparently wants to turn down the job.
He calls this a well oiled machine? Is he a few jalapeños short of a taco bowl?
He started the news conference by berating everyone in the room, calling them dishonest, and then recounting his electoral victory again like Uncle Joe who keeps forgetting that he told you that story when you saw him yesterday.
He says “the leaks are real but the news is fake.” What does that even MEAN?
He was asked about acts of antisemiitism done by OTHER PEOPLE and he responded by defending himself. He has not passed the stage of childhood development where he can perceive that some things are separate from him.
Newsflash: when you have to keep reassuring people that you are not an anti-semite and you are not a racist you might want to look at what it is in your life that is making people level the accusation. Except no one accused HIM of being an anti-semite, not in that question anyway. Him assuming he was being accused is another sign of where he head is at…
Later on in “let me show you I am not a racist” he asked a black reporter is she would arrange a meeting for him with the Congressional Black Caucus (after first seeming confused about what CBC stood for). Let’s have racism and sexism wrapped up in one (you’re a girl, you can arrange a meeting for me, can’t you?). After patronizingly telling her her question was very professional, he stopped treating her like a distinguished reporter and started treating her like the help. He accused Elijah Cummings of cancelling a meeting that was never scheduled in the first place. The cherry on top is that the CBC already sent him a letter on January 19 asking for a meeting, to which he never responded!
He justifies thinking of himself as a good person by saying he “gets good ratings”.
What is WRONG with him?
The man who wanted to “lock her up” for an unsecured email server is tweeting on an unsecured smartphone.
The mainstream press is no longer holding back from words like “unfit”.
The cray cray was so obvious today that even lifelong republicons who have been trying to give him the benefit of the doubt are ready to ride the impeachment train.
And even Shep Smith, who is right more often than a stopped clock at Fakes News, openly admitted the entire press conference was full of lies, or as he put it: “demonstrably, unquestionably, opinion aside, 100 percent false.”
If you have family and friends who are beginning to see this man for what he is, please encourage them to speak up. If they are brave enough at the grocery store, around the water cooler, or in the break room, to admit the emperor has no clothes, they will probably find that others around them are questioning him also.
Pretty soon you won't be able to find anyone who admits to having voted for him. Nixon won 49 states in 1972 and by 1974 only the hardest of the hardcore Rs would admit to ever having supported him.
Rumor has it that Republicon leadership is (finally!) worried that he may not hold it together long enough for them to pass the legislation of their granny starving dreams. Furthermore, it has occurred to them that if his popularity keeps plummeting, Ds could turn out the vote in 2018, and since we outnumber them, the House could flip.
And you know what THAT means: hearings, hearings, hearings! Hearings about violations of the emoluments clause, hearings about collaborating with a foreign power to influence our election, hearings about using the power of the presidency to enrich his family…
Impeachment hearings. Be still my beating heart.
But only if enough people start speaking up and admitting that what they saw today was the rant of an unhinged man whose finger should be nowhere near the nuclear codes.
Previous TRUE BLUE REPORT diaries
Feb 15: R-supported forced childbirth laws deny the autonomy of women
Feb 14: What did the president know? Everything. When did he know it? From the beginning.
Feb 13: Coping with The Madness of King Donald by hoping political comedy will save us
Feb 12: The Poverty and Justice Bible
Feb 11: Blue Ribbon Winners: Swastika removers, Ninth Circuit Panel, and the Persisterhood!
Feb 10: The first three words of the Constitution are “We, the People” not “I, the President”
Feb 9: Who first inspired your political activism? Who inspires you now?
Feb 8: We cannot and will not be silenced—Here’s what to do if they try to silence you
Feb 7: Plain Talk Tuesday: Tell people the Affordable Care Act is the same as OBAMACARE
Feb 6: Interview Skills 101—Internalized oppression and what Ryan Lizza did right. BRAVO!
Feb 5: These protest signs with Bible cites will confuse and befuddle RWNJs
Feb 4: Blue Ribbon Winners: Temple B’Nai Israel, Judge Robart, CNN, Senate Phone Callers
Feb 3: Not rich, not smart, not a good businessman, not a winner—DJT is NOTHING he claims to be
Feb 2: Thursday action—Encouragement, thanks, and apologies (pick one or more)
Feb 1: July 7, 2009 to August 25, 2009 and September 25, 2009 to February 4, 2010
Jan 31: If you’re on overload that’s part of their plan—there’s more than one way to #resist
Jan 30: Interview Skills 101 for reporters attempting to interview KAC and other Rcons
Jan 29: Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness
Jan 28: Blue Ribbon Winners: Women's March participants and #NoMuslimBan demonstrators and...
Jan 27: I wish Steve Bannon would tell me to keep my mouth shut
Jan 26: Thursday Action—Have you ever written a letter to the editor? Here’s how to start
Jan 25: The Asch Conformity Study, inauguration crowds, and the importance of speaking out
Jan 24: #ResistTrumpTuesday—good news day or another paying dues day?
Jan 23: Spy the Lie 101: How to enjoy watching Rcon spokesbot interviews, even KAC!
Jan 22: Why I prayed for the President* today
Jan 21: The only silver lining in the midst of these clouds
Inaugural (!) diary: Stop expecting Republicons to make sense