I am a mild mannered person for whom swearing does not come naturally or easily.
I did not grow up around people who used that kind of language. Curse words were not commonplace in my family, in my neighborhood or among my friends.
I am also a little older, from the “expletive deleted” era, before certain words were commonplace on television, in movies and in print.
So I have never been comfortable with cursing myself or having others use it around me.
Until now.
My vocabulary has changed in recent months as I encounter one fresh Republicon outrage after another.
I am rarely at a loss for words, but lately there are times when I am so gobsmacked by the mind-boggling stupidity, hypocrisy and evil on display from the Red Team that spitting out the highly-satisfying fricatives of classic profanity is the only possible response.
That was how I reacted to the now-famous Betsy DeVos cartoon from (of course) Valentine’s Day:
If this cartoon does not automatically bring to mind a famous Norman Rockwell painting, if you do not know who Ruby Bridges is, and if you are able to look at this visual without screaming invective until steam comes out of your ears, that’s OK.
Rockwell’s “The Problem We All Live With” memorializes one of the most iconic moments in the Civil Rights Movement: when six-year-old Ruby Bridges became the first black child to integrate a school in New Orleans. November 14, 1960 was the court-ordered segregation date, and tensions were so high that little Ruby walked into the school accompanied by federal marshals for her own protection.
Apparently now The Problem We All Live With is white conservatives inexplicably walking around feeling like victims. So oppressed. So put-upon. So discriminated against. Everything is just so hard for them. How can they go on?
The facts are these: Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, the incomprehensibly unqualified billionaire whose generous gifts to the Republican Party apparently purchased her a cabinet appointment, went to visit a middle school in Washington, D.C. last Friday. A group of protesters met her there with signs and shouts.
Good. Every single person signing on to the DJT regime should expect to encounter resistance whenever they leave the comfort of their bubble. Wherever they go they will be reminded that the we do not approve of the antics of their leader and we outnumber them.
She was escorted back to her vehicle and left, as one man shouted “shame shame shame”.
She returned to the school later for her visit.
Video can be seen here:
If you watch the video closely, you may notice a few differences between what happened to Secretary DeVos on February 10, 2017 and what happened to Ruby Bridges on November 14, 1960.
No one called DeVos by a racial slur (is there even one for her demographic?)
Neither she nor the people with her are afraid for their lives.
She is not a pioneer, not the first white administrator to enter a public school.
She was not in need of protection from an angry mob.
Nobody showed her a coffin with an effigy of herself in it.
No one threatened to poison her.
Her family is not going to suffer financially for her decision to walk into the school. None of her family members will lose their jobs or be turned off their land. Local stores will not refuse to serve her family.
She will not have to be in the building all by herself because no one else is willing to sit in the same room with her.
Oh, and she is not six years old.
Other than that, DeVos and Bridges had exactly the same experience.
And let’s talk about the cartoon itself. What is Glenn McCoy thinking? Oh my God, tear this dude apart.
Why is DeVos drawn so tiny in comparison to the men? Is she supposed to look like a little girl?
Is he trying to evoke the same sympathy for this grown-ass highly privileged wealthy woman, who just bought herself a gawd damned cabinet seat, that we felt for a tiny six year old who may not have even realized she was making history?
Does he effing seriously think that “conservative” is considered a parallel slur now with the same cultural impact as “nigger”?
Does he actually think that the NEA poses the same threat in the life of DeVos that the KKK posed in the lives of Ruby Bridges and all her family?
What is WRONG with these people?
I am fast losing patience with privileged white folks, angry that they can’t generate any compassion for their imaginary plight, appropriating words and images that have serious meaning for marginalized people so that they can bask in the reflected compassion.
It is almost enough to make me start cussing a blue streak.
I’d rather just force them to all sit in a Jane Elliot presentation until they come to their senses:
I’ll give the last word to esteemed child psychiatrist Prof. Robert Coles, who kept expecting Ruby to show signs of psychological trauma, but she never did, not in the way he expected.
And as he talked with her, she told him some things that surprised him:
DeVos should have denounced this cartoon immediately. The fact that she hasn’t is one more proof that she is out of touch with a pretty large section of the population that depends on the public school system. She doesn’t feel the need to even pretend to show any sensitivity to the concerns of the black community and the history of educational discrimination they faced for generations.
And now she is the frakking Secretary of Education.
Because I have decided to hold my tongue and not respond to obscenity with obscenity, I am at a loss for words.
In her entire life DeVos will never do anything as important, face as much danger, inspire as many people or display as much physical, moral and spiritual courage as was shown by Ruby Bridges in the moment displayed in the Rockwell painting.
DeVos either knows that, and should be ashamed of herself.
Or she doesn’t know it, and should be ashamed of herself.
Previous TRUE BLUE REPORT diaries
Feb 18: Blue Ribbon Winners—Vice Adm. Harward, Melissa McCarthy, and intel whistleblowers
Feb 17: And Ain’t I an American?
Feb 16: Please tell your family and friends—If you regret your DJT vote, speak up NOW
Feb 15: R-supported forced childbirth laws deny the autonomy of women
Feb 14: What did the president know? Everything. When did he know it? From the beginning.
Feb 13: Coping with The Madness of King Donald by hoping political comedy will save us
Feb 12: The Poverty and Justice Bible
Feb 11: Blue Ribbon Winners: Swastika removers, Ninth Circuit Panel, and the Persisterhood!
Feb 10: The first three words of the Constitution are “We, the People” not “I, the President”
Feb 9: Who first inspired your political activism? Who inspires you now?
Feb 8: We cannot and will not be silenced—Here’s what to do if they try to silence you
Feb 7: Plain Talk Tuesday: Tell people the Affordable Care Act is the same as OBAMACARE
Feb 6: Interview Skills 101—Internalized oppression and what Ryan Lizza did right. BRAVO!
Feb 5: These protest signs with Bible cites will confuse and befuddle RWNJs
Feb 4: Blue Ribbon Winners: Temple B’Nai Israel, Judge Robart, CNN, Senate Phone Callers
Feb 3: Not rich, not smart, not a good businessman, not a winner—DJT is NOTHING he claims to be
Feb 2: Thursday action—Encouragement, thanks, and apologies (pick one or more)
Feb 1: July 7, 2009 to August 25, 2009 and September 25, 2009 to February 4, 2010
Jan 31: If you’re on overload that’s part of their plan—there’s more than one way to #resist
Jan 30: Interview Skills 101 for reporters attempting to interview KAC and other Rcons
Jan 29: Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness
Jan 28: Blue Ribbon Winners: Women's March participants and #NoMuslimBan demonstrators and...
Jan 27: I wish Steve Bannon would tell me to keep my mouth shut
Jan 26: Thursday Action—Have you ever written a letter to the editor? Here’s how to start
Jan 25: The Asch Conformity Study, inauguration crowds, and the importance of speaking out
Jan 24: #ResistTrumpTuesday—good news day or another paying dues day?
Jan 23: Spy the Lie 101: How to enjoy watching Rcon spokesbot interviews, even KAC!
Jan 22: Why I prayed for the President* today
Jan 21: The only silver lining in the midst of these clouds
Inaugural (!) diary: Stop expecting Republicons to make sense