The only thing more frustrating than listening to Republicon spokesbot after Republicon spokesbot parroting the *exact* same talking points on every news and interview on CNN and MSNBC and every other network… watching newscasters sit there silently listening to the spew, as if the words coming out of R mouths deserve to be aired as is.
I understand why the desire to appear neutral might keep newsreaders from offering a direct rebuttal.
Maybe they think their job is just to have two people on and let them talk and hope they will argue with each other and make good television.
However, anyone with pretense to being an *interviewer* should be engaging in give and take with the guest, letting follow organically from the last thing that was said, and feel some responsibility to offer clarification when lies are told and facts are fudged and the public is being intentionally misled.
Otherwise why are you even sitting there? To make sure that the commercial break comes in at the right time? Is that really your only function? Do you care at all about whether what was just said is an accurate representation of reality?
I take that back. The most frustrating thing is listening to the R spokesbots dutifully recite their talking points, watching the “interviewer” sit there silently…
...and THEN have the segment turn to the Democratic representative on the panel who 1) offers no memorable talking points of our own and 2) fails to push back on the weak spots of the Rcon talking points.
Honestly, I have no idea what is going on. Is it that there is no one in our party who is capable of consulting with people like Lakoff and running a few focus groups and creating appropriate talking points for this fight? Is no one paying attention to when messaging works and getting out the word: hey—that thing X said yesterday was great let’s tell everyone else to say it too?
Is someone preparing material that no one is using? Are people being prideful and saying I know how to express myself in an interview, I don’t need to follow these talking points? Whose job is it to enforce party discipline in these matters?
To be fair, we are bring pretty consistent with the TrumpCare label and that seems to be catching on, but we also need a catchphrase to go with it, and two or three significant points that will capture people’s attention.
If no one else is going to do it, I guess I will.
I’m going to keep this next part short in the hope that helps it stick in people’s minds:
When Republicons say CBO numbers can’t be trusted because the CBO got it wrong when they predicted 22 million would sign up and only 10 million signed up...
POINT OUT THAT the CBO estimate was affected by the Supreme Court decision on Medicaid expansion, which allowed 19 states to refuse to participate in the program. There’s no way to count how many millions of people in those states were denied coverage by their Republican governors.
When Republicons say TrumpCare will allow people to buy insurance across state lines…
POINT OUT THAT (1) Obamacare does not prevent insurance companies from selling, or individuals from buying, insurance across state lines. What restrictions do exist on this point are state regulations, or a decision insurance companies themselves have made. The ability to buy and sell across state lines has nothing to do with federal government regulations, or Obamacare.
Also POINT OUT THAT (2) many financial experts do not believe selling insurance across state lines will reduce costs.
When Republicons throw out their “death spiral” catchphrase...
POINT OUT THAT: (1) the CEO of Aetna who originated that quote is not a neutral party and has his own vested interest in helping the Republicon party kill Obamacare.
Also POINT OUT THAT a court found Aetna LIED when they claimed financial losses made them pull out of Obamacare exchanges. Aetna was angry about losing an antitrust lawsuit, and pulled out of those markets in retaliation. Aetna even tried to put federal officials over a barrel, telling federal officials “if you give us the antitrust decision we want, we won’t pull out of these markets”. Unethical and callous at best and a clear indication that Aetna puts profits over patients.
If any Rcon dares to say anything about the individual mandate or people paying penalties under Ocare…
I want to hear every single D pundit use these pushbacks every single time they are on the air talking about Ocare from now until we kill this bill.
If we're aggressive and competitive and disciplined about matching Republicons talking point for talking point, eventually it will get to the point when people answer the TV on their own. Like me, everytime they hear “sell insurance across state lines” they will shout at the TV: people can ALREADY buy insurance across state lines! Or when they hear the TP about repealing the mandate, they may say: only Republicons would think it is better to give money to an insurance company where it benefits a wealthy CEO instead of to the government which is money that belongs to all the people.
This final point of coming up with catchphrases and a summary needs more work though. Rs on different shows they all say exactly the same thing until now everyone knows what their summary is. Can anyone name our summary?
DK could be one of the places where we crowdsource talking points and pushback memes and then get them out to pundits and politicians over the net. I don’t have much here so far. Has anyone heard anything better?
TrumpCare: Lose what you have, get nothing in return.
TrumpCare: Older people pay more and get less.
TrumpCare: Health savings accounts that barely cover the cost of one emergency room visit.
TrumpCare: Hurting the people who believe in DJT the most.
TrumpCare: DJT said he would cover everyone. He is breaking that promise.
UPDATE: EXCELLENT SUGGESTION in the thread from littlehouseinoh (who says s/he saw it elsewhere):
Does anyone have any idea who this should be sent to so that the widest possible number of D pundits and commentators might see it?
why don’t they do what they say? say what they mean?
Previous TRUE BLUE REPORT diaries
Mar 13: Culture, Civilization, Rural America, Working Families—the missing word is a “tell”
Mar 12: The Rcon definition of Christians is as wrong as the Rcon definition of Democrats.
Mar 11: Ribbons: A Day Without a Woman, Native Nations Rise, Voting Rights Act still lives
Mar 10: How to talk to people who have trouble understanding actions have consequences
Mar 9: Where’s the fire? The real reason Rs are trying to rush TrumpCare through Congress
Mar 8: Message Discipline 101: TrumpCare, RyanCare, GOPCare, DonTCare—what’s in a name?
Mar 7: How very hard it is for a woman to go a day without paid (or unpaid) work
Mar 6: Can DJT really be stumbling into the exact investigation we want?
Mar 5: How is it even possible that deplorables see a man of faith when they look at DJT?
Mar 4: Blue Ribbon Winners—Chris Hayes, Malcolm Nance, Cierra Fields
Mar 3: I’m glad Bannon, Conway, Carson, Sessions, Miller, et al. are in the DJT Administration
Mar 2: “In every major fire it always starts with smoke. And smoke is what kills you.”
Mar 1: Am I the only one whose skin crawled at the Carryn Owens BIRGing moment?
Feb 28: Spinspotting 101: Special Prosecutor for what? It’s so easy to answer that question
Feb 27: Spinspotting 101: I’ve seen no evidence because I haven’t looked for any evidence!
Feb 26: If Neil Gorsuch were a man of integrity, he would decline the S.Ct. appointment
Feb 25: True Blue Ribbons: Russia Flag trolling, Dixie Swastika grabbing, District Days demonstrating
Feb 24: There is no such thing as a compassionate conservative
Feb 23: Chief of Staff, Nat’l Security Advisor, GOP Head, President Bannon—too many hats!
Feb 22: DJT has a few questions for you—SMURF THIS POLL!
Feb 21: The end of “access journalism” means it’s time to #sendtheinterns
Feb 20: KAC lying low for now… can we banish her (and all her ilk) from the airwaves completely?
Feb 19: DeVos cartoon, Ruby Bridges, unearned unhappiness and childlike faith
Feb 18: Blue Ribbon Winners—Vice Adm. Harward, Melissa McCarthy, and intel whistleblowers
Feb 17: And Ain’t I an American?
Feb 16: Please tell your family and friends—If you regret your DJT vote, speak up NOW
Feb 15: R-supported forced childbirth laws deny the autonomy of women
Feb 14: What did the president know? Everything. When did he know it? From the beginning.
Feb 13: Coping with The Madness of King Donald by hoping political comedy will save us
Feb 12: The Poverty and Justice Bible
Feb 11: Blue Ribbon Winners: Swastika removers, Ninth Circuit Panel, and the Persisterhood!
Feb 10: The first three words of the Constitution are “We, the People” not “I, the President”
Feb 9: Who first inspired your political activism? Who inspires you now?
Feb 8: We cannot and will not be silenced—Here’s what to do if they try to silence you
Feb 7: Plain Talk Tuesday: Tell people the Affordable Care Act is the same as OBAMACARE
Feb 6: Interview Skills 101—Internalized oppression and what Ryan Lizza did right. BRAVO!
Feb 5: These protest signs with Bible cites will confuse and befuddle RWNJs
Feb 4: Blue Ribbon Winners: Temple B’Nai Israel, Judge Robart, CNN, Senate Phone Callers
Feb 3: Not rich, not smart, not a good businessman, not a winner—DJT is NOTHING he claims to be
Feb 2: Thursday action—Encouragement, thanks, and apologies (pick one or more)
Feb 1: July 7, 2009 to August 25, 2009 and September 25, 2009 to February 4, 2010
Jan 31: If you’re on overload that’s part of their plan—there’s more than one way to #resist
Jan 30: Interview Skills 101 for reporters attempting to interview KAC and other Rcons
Jan 29: Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness
Jan 28: Blue Ribbon Winners: Women's March participants and #NoMuslimBan demonstrators and...
Jan 27: I wish Steve Bannon would tell me to keep my mouth shut
Jan 26: Thursday Action—Have you ever written a letter to the editor? Here’s how to start
Jan 25: The Asch Conformity Study, inauguration crowds, and the importance of speaking out
Jan 24: #ResistTrumpTuesday—good news day or another paying dues day?
Jan 23: Spy the Lie 101: How to enjoy watching Rcon spokesbot interviews, even KAC!
Jan 22: Why I prayed for the President* today
Jan 21: The only silver lining in the midst of these clouds
Inaugural (!) diary: Stop expecting Republicons to make sense