Devin Nunes wants you to know he’s uncovered critical information that it is indeed Friday, so after informing both Ryan and Trump, he naturally held a press conference. However, there was some other news.
Though Nunes still hasn't clued in other members of the House intelligence committee on everything that caused him to run to the White House on Wednesday, he has asked both the NSA and FBI to provide a briefing to the committee next Tuesday, which should finally put all members on a more even standing. However, it appears this will be a closed hearing, so if you were jazzed for the next installment of "James Comey says jaw-dropping things," you’ll need to stay tuned as the next public hearing on Russia connections appears to be delayed.
However, there will be another guest before the committee next week. Paul Manafort, Donald Trump's campaign chairman for over five months, or a volunteer with a minor connection to the campaign, will appear voluntarily before the intelligence committee next week. Manafort’s hearing will also apparently be closed. It might also be quite long considering the number of Russia-related issues Manafort has been involved in before, during, and after his stint on the campaign.
Manafort also threw open the door to other walk-in guests, asking others with any knowledge to volunteer. And, as might be expected for any Republican whose top interest is providing cover for Trump, Nunes focused on the horrors of leaks and of American names being “unmasked” in intelligence reports.
It remains unclear whether either Trump or any member of his campaign was involved in the reports that sent Nunes scurrying to the White House, but Nunes indicated both that the report did not imply wiretapping of Trump Tower, and that the warrants involved appeared to be completely legal. Nunes was also given the suggestion that the Russia hearing, which last time devolved into Democrats questioning the witnesses while Republicans complained that the story had leaked into public at all, might be split into two investigations, but he shrugged off the suggestion for the moment.