Yesterday, one of several quasi-official Twitter accounts of Anonymous, the international hacktivist group (@YourAnonCentral — not a verified account, for obvious reasons), responded to a tweet from a follower who had a conspiracy theory regarding supposed Russian/Putin blackmail of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks (who is currently holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London).
And while Anonymous threw a gentle bucket of cold water on the CT, more interesting by far was the tweetstorm that followed, which included some not-well-known information about WikiLeaks, some people who worked there early, and the history of Assange himself.
(Note: IMMI, the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, was a series of laws designed to make Icelandic government more open and to protect whistleblowers. A non-binding resolution approving its priciples was passed in 2010, but enacting those principles into law has proven to be an ongoing struggle.)
And if you haven’t already seen “The Fifth Estate”, based on a book by early WikiLeaks associate Daniel Berg, I highly recommend a rental.