American journalist and esteemed news anchor Dan Rather announced a new social media page in the midst of January’s flying fake news and alternative facts. The Facebook “digital news feed” page is called News and Guts”and if it’s anything like Dan Rather’s posts this past year, it’s going to be like a sledge-hammer coming down on the new administration.
In a recent post, Rather states:
Journalism, real journalism, deep-digging reporting without fear or favor, is as important now, if not more so, than any time I can remember.
Over the past year, Dan Rather has built a Facebook page following of over 1.3 million people. It’s a place where he shares his political commentary along with posting news stories from other respected sources. He says during weeks like in early January when confirmation hearings were coming in fast and furious, there is only so much that he can do on one page and there are far more articles that deserve attention, as well as great reporters he’d like to spotlight.
I got into news in the first place to be part of something noble and bigger than myself. For those reasons, I am starting a second Facebook page called News And Guts, a digital news feed of sorts. It's also the name of my digital news and production company. The goal is to inform, innovate, and inspire. This Facebook page will be under the stewardship of a very talented group of reporters who work at my company. These are men and women who know real news. They've reported with me around the globe from dangerous and difficult datelines. I trust them and so should you.
Rather says the audience may find the tone of the new page “a little more free-wheeling” than his own. He also says he wants the page to be a two-way street that encourages the thoughts, articles, and stories page followers want to see covered.
In an era of fake news, false equivalence, and too much fluff, let's take a stand together to demand better, and bring attention to all those doing great work.
In just weeks, News And Guts has garnered over 350k followers. To visit, click here: News And Guts. Yep, we’ll take more of this, please. Thank you, Dan Rather.
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Friday, Jan 27, 2017 · 10:42:30 AM +00:00 · Leslie Salzillo
Approximately 48 hours from the time of this story’s publishing, the News And Guts/N&G Facebook page has reached over 800k page followers. At this rate they may hit 1,000,000 by the weekend. Good to see so much support for strong and fearless news reporting.