Sean Hannity is having a bad year. Fox News is falling apart with the loss of its CEO Roger Ailes, and its biggest star Bill O'Reilly. Now Ailes' replacement, and close Hannity ally, Bill Shine is also facing a possible ouster. So Hannity is taking to Twitter for solace with a question aimed at sucking up to his friend in the White House, Donald Trump. What could possibly go wrong?
The answers Hannity got were probably not what he expected. There were very few replies that could be taken seriously. Many responses exhibited the brain dead detachment of Trump's cult followers by saying merely "Everything," or "Beating Hillary." A fair number thought the seating of Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court represented a Trump achievement. But that's only true if you regard submitting a name to the Senate that couldn't get confirmation without changing the rules (the Nuclear Option) an achievement.
Far more interesting, and entertaining, were the responses from Twitter's reality-based community. They recognized that the question itself was absurd and treated it with the disrespect it deserved. Even so, they were more accurate and substantive than Hannity's army of Trump fluffers. So if you're looking for examples of Trump's biggest achievements in his first 100 days, read on:
Trump has embarked on a "100 Days" ego-stroking tour that includes a campaign style rally in Pennsylvania and at least two appearances on Fox News. He's spewing the utterly deranged notion that his first 100 days has been more productive and successful than any other president in history. The disastrous reality, however, is that he has not achieved a single one of his promised goals. What's more, his administration riddled with allegations of corruption and complicity with Russian election tampering. Given the circumstances, it was awfully foolish of Hannity to even ask his question.
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