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Hitting a snag in a river is not a good thing as it can sink a boat. Hitting a snag in a story is usually expected as the course of a journey is never easy. How a character or group of characters handles the problem is interesting to the reader. Did they see it might come and prepare for it? When it came did they have a way to fix things or did they have to abandon ship?
The stories about the Titanic are horrific and sad. Snags are often less terrifying than icebergs, but they can do real damage. People keep an eye out and try to limit the damage if they can. They used to have long poles to try to shove the snags aside.
In Scott Kelly's book, Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery there are a lot of snags that would seem to be fixable if taken seriously. He reports about the levels of CO2 that affect the workers at the station. They are not taken seriously enough in his opinion. It sounds really bad and stupid. Why don't people in charge pay attention? Because the "snag" is not happening to them. They aren't the ones dealing with it, living with it, and being impaired by it.
I have also hit a snag with picking up a book and reading it. I only finished two books in the month of January and they were short ones. Maybe if I add one from my TBR pile, I can jump start my brain. Which one should I try?
What looks good on your TBR pile?