I came here today to celebrate what was happening on the House floor with Nancy Pelosi.
The first thing I saw was a pair of tits. <www.dailykos.com/...
With this, “I’m glad the staffers liked the cheesecake,”
You know, there are women in the Senate. Most of the staff who open mail are lower level, so women. I objected. I was told I needed to read more, watch swimsuit competitions, calm down. If I calm down and behave like a nice girl then maybe some of the nice progressive boys will listen to me.
Women have been doing the organizing, the calling, the marching, and making a difference. Women, particularly black women, have saved our asses in the last elections.
The problem is NOT that I point out sexism.
The problem is NOT that I need to shut up and listen to the nice men explain.
The problem IS sexism.
The problem is that “cheescake” tit pictures to be enjoyed by the staff are objectifying and sexist.
These are pictures of a woman who literally killed herself because of the relentless silencing and sexualization. I have had it explained to me that this is actually TOTES FEMINIST! That is ridiculous.
In 2018 for saying a sexist image from a sexist time is sexist, I got piled on. For the first time in fourteen years I am blocked for objecting to coming to celebrate Future Speaker Pelosi and objecting to instead getting tits in the face.
Lots of “well actually”. Lots of explaining that images that celebrate the sexualization of a woman who was literally dehumanized to death (and otherwise disappears women from discourse) is really progressive.
The very first pie fights were because women were so tired of seeing tits advertised on Dkos. It was not the pies, it was the way the women with the pies were being objectified. I was then and remain now a proud member of the sanctimonious women’s study set.
It 2018 and we have Donald Trump in the White House, because sexism (and Russia, and the press, and voter suppression).
The pictures are sexist piggery. That is obvious. They are not celebrating the intelligence of the woman, or decrying her tragic death.
Trump and Russia are serious. Posting retro fifties tit shots to Daily Kos is not the way to handle it. It trivializes women’s minds and it trivializes treason. It trivializes the people doing the real work of the resistance. The images are classics of trivialization of a capable women, a dehumanization so complete that it murdered her.
You can pile on, and troll rate.
But you are wrong.
And I will persist.
Dehumanization and sexism are wrong.
I will not participant in my own objectification and dehumanization. I will not pretend that what is happening is anything but silencing, harassment, and sexism.
I will not be silenced.
Calm down honey.
Or we will shut you up.
That is progressive men on DKos today.
You should know better. You should be better. Right now, you should be ashamed.
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