You may know that the unlikely team of Rob Reiner and David Frum started The Committee to Investigate Russia. Well, just this morning their website posted an interview with the Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and the Former CIA Director John Brennan:
We have already seen how the Committee to Investigate Russia’s video starring Morgan Freeman, which concisely laid out the ongoing Russian cyber attack, sent Putin and the Russians into a full-scale panic:
The Russians appear to have found a way to make the Freeman clip hard to find on the web. Type “Committee to Investigate Russia Morgan Freeman” into the YouTube search bar, and the first dozens of results are all right wing smears about the video.
Let’s try to not let that happen with this latest barn burner, starring two of the nation’s foremost intelligence experts. Please watch and share it far and wide. Let’s help everybody get the truth.
From gchaucer2 in the comments:
Absolutely every sane person should watch that interview:
1. Reiner is an excellent interviewer — he lets his guests talk without interruption. He is prepared and asks excellent questions — (Spinal Tap taken to eleven);
2. Reiner led the way to basically setting the foundation for indictments for treason if Mueller wants to go that far — Clapper and Brennan were fantastic in agreeing about the change in “warfare” and “enemy”;
3. The calm and yet really unnerving concern by these two experts (makes no difference if you like or hate them) nailed this interview. They are consummate professionals with, as Clapper indicated, maybe 80-90 years of experience between them through both GOP and Dem administrations. I think it was this aspect that is most powerful. They have utter contempt for the Perv cabal but relay it with clarity and without the extreme vitriol that I am capable of;
4. Please watch and pass along through your tweet machines and FB. We need these voices. Thanks to Reiner, Frum, Freeman and the entire Committee.