I have sung to the heavens before about how much I love the comments in my diaries, and the people who make them. This was true again yesterday, as pretty much every day in my diary about McConnell appearing to indicate in his Senate speech announcing the budget deal that he was going to bring a clean DACA bill to the Senate floor, without attaching a load of “build the wall” shit to it. In the comments, gharlane raised a point that I thought was well worthy of a fuller explanation. Here is the original comment, in its entirety;
Me either. Why on FSM’s green Earth would McTurtle stick a shiv in Dump and Lyin’ Ryan? Usually I see where Murf is going, but this time if he’s right it would mean that what McT is really doing is detonating a cluster bomb in the middle of the GOP House caucus and sticking a shiv in the Dolt, while possibly endangering the Senate GOP majority even more than it’s already in.
Plus, it would be the right thing to do. When’s the last time the Turtle ever did that?
First of all, gharlane has my undying respect for usually seeing where I’m going, since normally I personally feel like a blind man in a fun house. I’d like to have somebody like that around to act as a keeper. But the pertinent question was “why would McConnell stick a shiv in the backs of Ryan and The Tangerine Tantrum. To my mind, here’s why.
1) McConnell is a career politician, he has worked his whole life to become Senate Majority leader. You don’t get into politics without a voracious ego, and you sure as shit don’t rise in politics without feeding it. McConnell dreams of leaving a major footprint in Senate annals, and kowtowing to an idjit who put the “non” in “nonsense” is not blowing up his skirts. McConnell considers himself a “gentleman” of the Senate, a genteel body. I think that hearing both media reporters and Democratic colleagues in the Senate publicly doubt the value of his word stung. Deeply. If McConnell is feeling an ill political wind blowing, one that could put him back in the Minority Leader spot come January, he may be trying to create a little political good will with Schumer by playing ball on DACA. As for Paul Ryan, I think that Mitch McConnell is sick to death of Eddie Munster making him the fall guy in Trump’s eyes, passing toxic, shitty bills on healthcare and taxes that have no chance of passing the Senate, and then scurrying like a cockroach to the cameras to sneeringly expound on how “The House did it’s job and passed the bill, n ow it’s the Senate that needs to stop dicking around and pass it.” Fuck that snotty little Randian asshole, and the horse he rode in on.
2) Now, on to more political considerations. Over the last few days, several political consultants, including Charlie Cook of “The Cook Report” have said that in private conversations with GOP strategists, those strategists are seeing private, internal polling data that indicates that RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel may want to take a quick refresher course in the reading of the last rites. McConnell’s Senate majority is hanging by a thread, and it may well be that the Goddess Kali has her scissors tensed on either side of that thread. Two of the most vulnerable GOP Senate seats in 2018 are shaping up to be Flake’s vacant seat in Arizona, and Heller’s embattled seat in Nevada. And if McCain becomes unable to continue, that adds another seat in AZ to worry about. As most of you know, I live in Vegas, and around here, the immigration issue is king. As John Ralston pointed out last night on MSNBC, immigrants are the grease that keeps the hospitality machines in Vegas and Reno chugging along. I’ betting that it’s front and center in Arizona too, especially with immigrant feelings still raw after the Arpaio Experience, especially since Professor Dumbledork gave the racist little Malfoy that free pass. If McConnell can get DACA off of the table, he gives those candidates something positive and popular to run on, and even is Ryan or Numbnuts bollixes it up, those candidates can point to the fact that at least they tried to fix it, but were stymied.
Look, some people wear their heart on their sleeve. But you lads and lasses know me by now, I keep my little black Irish one in my chest, and put my cynicism on my sleeve instead, it’s easier to get to there. Mitch McConnell is not going to do anything out of the goodness of his heart, hell, the Grinch’s heart got “two sizes too big” by shrinking McConnell’s heart in the process. McConnell cares about two things, power, and his ego. And this DACA fix makes perfect sense when it can make a critical difference between winning or losing 2-3 Senate seats. Besides, both Trump and Ryan have treated McConnell like the proverbial red headed stepson, and I’m guessing that payback tastes just as good in Kentucky as it does anywhere else, especially when he can justify it by showing everybody that this painful surgery was necessary to save the patient.
So, there you have it. As it turns out, there actually is a method to my madness. The fact that the method may be like trying to put a tricycle together at 3 am on Christmas Eve without instructions and tools is totally beside the point thank you very much. It’s my method, and I’m standing by it. Lemme know what you think in the comments.
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