I know I know. Its not up there with deportations or voting rights or climate change. Not even up there with bail bond merry go round or jerk wad white house staff.
At Wal Mart this afternoon. [I do NOT want to hear about it ok? its the only game in town -if by ‘town’ you mean a fifty mile one way trip] Our cashier — borderline 70 years of age. She’s midway thru her shift and already I can see that she is trying to take the weight off her feet by pressing down on the counter with her hands every chance she can…. My european friend is almost in tears watching this. “God “ she says “In Europe , every till at a store has a highbacked stool for the cashiers. Cannot you ask for one for yourself?” “Oh no maam” replies our friend “my boss, he says if you are sitting you are not working”
Did I want to find said bossman- likely thirty years her junior and deliver some job site justice? why yes. yes I did. Did I also understand that a seventy year old working for Wallyworld wages is some kind of desperate that I occasionally “there but for the grace of god” imagine myself to be and that no- I will not jeopardize nor disrespect her station. Yes. Yes I did.
But damn. Just a goddamn chair? Is that too much compassion nowadays?