Comicsgate Calls for Boycott of Progressive Comics Creators
During the past few years there’s been an angry undercurrent of resentment seething through various pools of the Fannish Community. We’ve had the Rabid Puppies besieging the venerable Hugo Awards to overthrow the Tyranny of the Feminists; we’ve had Gamergate eviscerating the Scourge of the Fake Geek Girls. Now, here comes a new group to champion Liberty, calling itself “Comicsgate”.
Those of you interested in comics may remember this past year a Marvel executive caused a stir in the fannish community when he reported at a sales conference that they have heard complaints from retailers saying that the increased Diversity the company has been putting into it’s comics has been depressing sales. Others have pointed out that crappy marketing strategies have had more to do with this drop in sales than replacing Peter Parker with a Black-Hispanic kid has, but it cannot be denied that Marvel has made a conscious decision in recent years to put more diversity into its big name titles, and there are many who long for the Good Ol’ Day’s when the roster of the Avengers was whiter than the Moon Knight’s briefs.
Comicsgate has been started by a guy named Richard C. Meyer and similar White Rights Activists who feel that the Liberal Agenda is Destroying Comics. In order to save the soul of the industry, they have put out a list of comics creators to boycott. Strangely enough, they don’t include Jack Kirby, the man who invented Nazi-Punching, on that list, but I suspect that a lot of these guys are clueless about the history of the comics they are claiming to preserve.