Which is more disturbing — that elPresidente chooses not to read the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB), or that he chooses to get his “Executive” Daily updates, from Fox News?
President Trump reportedly doesn’t read top-secret intel briefs, breaking with decades of presidential practice
But an administration insider with knowledge of the situation told the Washington Post that Trump doesn't read the daily intel memo because it's not his preferred "style of learning." Instead, the source said, Trump has opted for oral briefings, augmented with photos, videos and colorful graphics.
Trump has admitted that he barely reads, telling reporters during the campaign that he doesn't have the time to because he's "always busy." Instead, Trump is known to carve plenty of "Executive Time" into his schedule, during which he distills the news of the day through cable TV — much of it from the conservative Fox News Channel, as evident from his tweets.
Earlier this week, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly told reporters that Trump hadn't read a 10-page intelligence document because "it's quite lengthy."
Donald Trump prefers decidedly more ‘breezy’ formats for his el Capitan news …
If these recent disclosures weren’t bad enough, there’s this ‘reassuring’ tactic that Intel Briefers have adopted, in order to cater to the president’s “anger issues” …
Trump's daily briefings often don't include intelligence about Russia to avoid upsetting him
by Michal Kranz, Business Insider — Dec. 14, 2017
According to current and former US officials, President Donald Trump's daily briefing is designed to avoid making him angry, and often avoids the latest intelligence on Russia's interference in the 2016 US election, The Washington Post reported Thursday.
"If you talk about Russia, meddling, interference — that takes the PDB off the rails," one former senior U.S. intelligence official said, using an acronym for the president's daily briefing.
Trump's strong feelings about the election meddling issue have led to inconsistencies within intelligence agencies themselves. Mike Pompeo, the director of the CIA, has at times diminished the importance of his own agency's findings on the matter, even though the CIA unequivocally stands by their reports.
While intelligence officials and agencies intentionally avoided addressing whether Russian interference affected the outcome of the 2016 election, Pompeo has stated that it did not.
Which is more disturbing — that “Our Serial Liar” in the White House MUST have his PDB’s custom “redacted” to suit his tastes;
Or that America’s supposed “News Agencies” like Fox News — Let him get away with it?
My what short-memories the Media has in this nation has …. Hey, they’re kind of like the President in that way.
Just keep it simple, please! Kiss-kiss.
Like this lone voice of reason tried to do a few days ago …
Finally a "sane and patriotic" Republican speaks the Truth about Russia
Unfortunately, the SOP Trump cacophony — drowned him out.
Helluva way to run a country.