Let me start off with a pertinent question for you. If you, or a loved one are unfortunately stricken with a serious illness, what would you rather have? A caring, confident doctor who talks positively about survival rates, and new, successful treatment options, or one who advises you to buy asbestos longjohns, because you'll be shaking hands with Beelzebub soon?
That;s the option that the GOP is faced with right now electorally, and apparently they chose one-from-column-B. Look, the simple fact of the matter is that there are more traditional "conservative" than there are Trombies right now. And right now, their party has a serious, quite possibly life threatening illness called Trumpkin's Syndrome. They're scared, and they need hope and reassurance that everything is going to ball right. They may spend the next three years throwing up every day and feeling like shit, but they can beat this disease.
And who is their attending physician? The Doctor of Death, Rand Paul. I'm starting to think that Dr Rand Paul may be a long term, Democratic "sleeper" agent. In his 8+ hour verbal temper tantrum on the Senate floor Thursday night, Paul didn't say anything that the Democrats haven't been saying for years, but conservatives don't listen to Democrats. Rand Paul is supposed to be one of them.
In pointing out repeatedly Thursday night that the GOP was supposed to stand for fiscal responsibility, and lower spending, and yet were poised to raise the federal deficit by almost a half a trillion dollars without scorched earthing a single social program to at least try to offset some of it, Paul confirmed for conservatives that the current iteration of the GOP had sold its soul to the ex-Democrat Trump devil. And he said it in GOPese, their native tongue.
And he didn't stop there. The majority of "sane" conservatives don't drink from the Breitbart-FUX News trough. They still have twelve functioning brain cells, and get their information from reality based sources. That's why a now 60% majority think Trump went around the corner into the alley for a quick slap-and-tickle with the Russians in the back seat. His admission that the GOP had betrayed its core principles in the two year budget deal also gives validation to the fact that the GOP just Hiroshima'd the deficit by an estimated $1.5 trillion on their Richie Rich tax dodge, without even making a token attempt to try to convincingly explain to the faithful how it will "pay for itself."
Look, you don't mind as much laying around on the sofa moaning all day, feeling like shit, and with no appetite of joy if you know that you're going to get better in the long run. But why bother to hop into the car on a Tuesday, drive over to the high school or library to vote for a Republican, any Republican, if they're just going to betray every principle you purport to stand up for? With a Noah like Rand Paul, why should the GOP even bother building an ark, the hull is just going to be made out of patio sliding screen doors anyway.
It’s here! The moment you’ve been dreading looking forward to. My new e-book President Evil. A common man looks at Trump and the 2016 primaries. You can get it now on Amazon. And please feel free to leave a review at either Amazon or goodreads, every review helps, positive or negative.
Cross Posted on The Trump Impeachment.