It’s been said about the Trumps time and again, “You can’t make this s*it up.” The newest chestnut being hauled out of the fire is by none other than octegenarian Quincy Jones, who claims to have squired Ivanka about before she married Jared. Vulture:
“All I’ve ever done is tell the truth,” says Jones, seated on a couch in his palatial Bel Air home, and about to dish some outrageous gossip. “I’ve got nothing to be scared of, man.”
Currently in the midst of an extended victory lap ahead of his turning 85 in March — a Netflix documentary and a CBS special hosted by Oprah Winfrey are on the horizon — Jones, dressed in a loose sweater, dark slacks, and a jaunty scarf, talks like he has nothing to lose. He name-drops, he scolds, he praises, and he tells (and retells) stories about his very famous friends. Even when his words are harsh, he says them with an enveloping charm, frequently leaning over for fist bumps and to tap me on the knee. “The experiences I’ve had!” he says, shaking his head in wonder. “You almost can’t believe it.”
What’s stirred everything up? Is it all about Trumpism?
It’s Trump and uneducated rednecks. Trump is just telling them what they want to hear. I used to hang out with him. He’s a crazy motherf**ker. Limited mentally — a megalomaniac, narcissistic. I can’t stand him. I used to date Ivanka, you know.
Wait, really?
Yes, sir. Twelve years ago. Tommy Hilfiger said, “Ivanka wants to have dinner with you.” I said, “No problem. She’s a fine motherf**ker.” She had the most beautiful legs I ever saw in my life. Wrong father, though.
Jones uses the MF word as a catch all euphemism, apparently.
The interview’s great. I wish Jones had spent more time talking about how Sam Giancana assassinated JFK because that was one of the more interesting of the JFK theories, that either Giancana or Carlos Marcello was responsible.
Ivanka didn’t marry Jared until 2009 so technically she would have been single and able to date anybody, Jones included. Politics makes for strange bedfellows.