So don’t get too crazy now, but Franklin County just found and entered additional results from Worthington, Ohio (aka Home of the Worthington Democratic Club and also hip deep in Indivisible12). Linky
Net gain for O’Connor is +190.
A simple error was made last night as BOE did the initial tally of results when a single PEB data unit was missed with results from a location with multiple voting machines.
For larger locations, multiple PEBs are used to speed up the process used to pull votes from machines. The PEB data units are returned to the BOE at the end of the night and used to provide results from voting machines at each site. And before anybody panics and gets conspiracy minded, there are both memory chips and paper tape backups for these chunky old data units
More fun with statistics-
*There are 3435 provisional ballots yet to be processed for the district.
*For the May primary, of all provisional ballots issued statewide, 88% of those ballots were counted.
*Franklin County BOE usually beats the statewide average.
PS- for anyone wonky enough to want more info about how the process works at polling places in Franklin County, the full training manual for poll workers is posted online Here.
PPS- Of the more than 1000 voters who visited my location yesterday, my tally was that an additional 100 voters who lived outside the district also tried to vote after either seeing ads or being contacted by GOTV outreach.
PPPS- goodnight to all. After a long couple of days working on this special election, I’m tired and need some sleep so I don’t get too surly at work tomorrow. Try not to get too pushy-shovey.