Considering who’s currently in the post, apparently any bank CEO thinks they could become Treasury Secretary.
Trial back on after a three-hour recess… “Robert Mueller's team says it's ready to rest its case on Friday against Paul Manafort, Donald Trump's former campaign chairman.” That might not happen today.
FoxNews and its troll-bots have been expending speculation space in Twitter on whatever might delay the trial, whereas those familiar with the judge’s style indicate that it’s SOP.
A former Federal Savings Bank executive has testified that the bank's CEO asked him to call Paul Manafort to inquire about whether he could become a candidate for U.S. Treasury secretary.
Dennis Raico, the former executive, said Federal Savings Bank CEO Stephen Calk asked him to make the call to Mr Manafort on 11 November 2016, just days after Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election.
Mr Raico was granted immunity for his testimony.
Dennis Raico, a loan officer at Federal Savings Bank, has testified that he acted as a go-between for his bank's founder and chairman Stephen Calk and Paul Manafort.
Mr Raico testified that this took place as the bank rushed to approve loans while Mr Calk allegedly sought upper-level perks in the Trump political operation.