Democrats in Northeast Florida are buzzing with excitement and single-minded activity that has not been seen since 1992. It is FINALLY a good time to be a Democrat in this state - the state of the infamous "hanging chads" in 2000; redrawn legislative district lines leading to one the most gerrymandered districts in the U.S.; the 2012 long lines and equally long ballot with 11 amendments that caused 201,000 voters to give up voting that night and this state was unable to certify the voting results until November 20th, 2012, a full two weeks after the election; and to top it off a grade of "F" in election security from the Center for American Progress.
What could possibly cause Democrats in a state where the GOP has held a trifecta for more than two decades to have ANY glimmer of hope and happiness? It is simple, we have candidates!! Not only does the state have OUTSTANDING Candidates for Governor, but Northeast Florida has Candidates. Candidates All the way down-ballot. Candidates In every race. Candidates In races against some Republicans that Need.To.Go!
In the weeks to come I want to introduce you to several of these candidates and I will begin today with one I know very well, Billee Bussard who is running for Florida Senate District 4 — Billee 4 FL Senate.
First off, let me get the DKos legalities out of the way and tell you that I am an unpaid volunteer for this campaign. I hold no title, office or position of influence related to this campaign or any other for that matter.
I have known Billee Bussard for five years. We met when I joined my local club, Beaches Democratic Club. In fact I served as Vice President when Billee was president of the club in 2016 and I say today in all candor that Billee Bussard is the most ethical and principled person I have had the pleasure of knowing.
Billee, who will be 73 years young on August 18th had planned on celebrating her birthday by enjoying a cruise touring the Alaska glaciers, an item close to the top of her bucket list. Instead she will be knocking doors as a candidate in the heat and humidity of a Florida summer. It is notable that Billee is the oldest female Democrat running for state senate, but Democrat Bob Doyel, former Circuit Judge who is running for state Senate District 22 in Polk County is a few weeks older than Bussard.
The man Billee is running to unseat, Aaron Bean, is the epitome of what has become of the GOP. She was outraged at Bean's dismissive treatment of the Parkland student survivors who visited Bean's office in Tallahassee in February pushing for a change in the current gun laws. His response to whether he would support any legislation to protect students from further gun violence was “You know, I think it’s too early to say.”
Then in late February the group "Run For Something" ran a full page ad in the Florida Sun Sentinel listing 25 lawmakers running unopposed who held an A or A+ rating from the NRA and who are complicit in the gun violence in this state. Arron Bean appeared on their list.
With all this churning through her mind Billee decided in June to answer that call because she knew with a Democrat occupying the seat, Florida finally would get more than "thoughts and prayers" in a gun violence situation. In fact, Bussard has consistently called gun violence in this state and in our nation for what it is -- An Epidemic.
When Billee unveiled her logo which is featured at the top of the page, I told her it was absolutely fitting as is calling herself "A Watchdog for the People". Billee honed her investigative skills during a 25 year career in journalism and has proven many times over how much she cares about protection. Protection for Women's rights, Worker's rights, Civil rights, Voting rights and our rights to a healthy environment. It is no surprise that she has been endorsed by 90 for 90 during this year’s election cycle.
I could go on praising Ms Bussard for there is no shortage of accomplishments to choose from, but I want to save some goodies for future posts. I will however link to this Folio Weekly article entitled "Aaron Bean and the ALEC Money Machine" that Billee wrote in October of 2012. Please read this article and you will understand why Florida remains under tight Republican control. You will also have a glimpse at the dogged determination Ms Bussard has exhibited her entire adult life in uncovering unfair and unjust practices. After reading you will understand WHY Florida struggles in elections, WHY Florida has trouble fielding Democratic candidates in critical races, and WHY Florida has become the brunt of jokes and derisive remarks, many times occurring here on this progressive website.
Are you in a safe BLUE state with reasonable and sane lawmakers, balanced and fair budgets, and elected officials who believe in science and are allowed to utter the words "climate change"? If you answered "yes" then please consider donating to this campaign. If you live in a RED state like Florida and can afford it, please Donate to Billee's campaign. There is an address to mail in a contribution at that link if you prefer that method. Please add $.04 to your donation amount as this will let Billee know that the donation came from Daily Kos!
Thank you for reading, for sharing and for donating and look for more posts about Billee and some of the other exceptional candidates from Duval County — aka Blueval — in Northeast Florida in the coming weeks and months.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get better. It's not. ~The Lorax by Dr Seuss