Time to connect a few dots, that is “those Facts already in evidence”. Many thanks to the Free Press for providing today’s rhetorical “Theme” ...
What Robert Mueller is telling us
Sheila Markin, The Detroit Free Press — Apr 7, 2018
Truth has become a game in the era of Trump and Fox News, Alex Jones and conspiracy theorists. Mueller, however, is insisting on factual truth. Truth is not fuzzy; there is no alternate reality. You tell the truth, or you end up in jail.
That is Lesson No. 1.
And there are other lessons and messages from Mueller in this guilty plea. Mueller rebuts the chatter from Fox News and other sources that there is no "collusion" or nexus between the Trump campaign and Russians connected with the GRU, the Russian secret service. Nestled in the guilty plea, Mueller somewhat gratuitiously tells us that Manafort and Gates were interacting with a foreign agent who is not specifically named but appears to be Constantin Kilimnik, a former Russian intelligence officer for GRU, Russia's military intelligence organization.The argument that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians is destroyed once you understand what Mueller is telling us.
In this real world game of “Truth or Dare” — the people running Trump’s Campaign sure have a propensity for choosing “Dare” …
Mueller Draws Line to Russian Spy’s Work With Manafort and Gates
by David Voreacos, Bloomberg — March 28, 2018
Point of Contact
Kilimnik worked for years in Ukraine with Manafort and Gates, who did political consulting that helped get Viktor Yanukovych elected as president. Kilimnik was also a point of contact to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch who is close to President Vladimir Putin.
Manafort’s work in Ukraine dried up after Yanukovych was ousted. In July 2016, with Trump closing in on the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, Manafort emailed Kilimnik with an offer: Manafort could provide private briefings to a mutual associate about the Trump campaign. That associate, people familiar with the matter said, was Deripaska.
Manafort once did consulting work for Deripaska’s businesses. The men had a falling out over $18.9 million that Deripaska invested with Manafort in a Ukrainian cable television venture in 2007. The venture failed, leading to litigation, including a lawsuit that Deripaska filed in January claiming Manafort and Gates defrauded him.
“I assume you have shown our friends my media coverage, right?” Manafort wrote in the email to Kilimnik, according to an email obtained by the Atlantic. “How do we use to get whole?"
After all those ‘Denials about Russian Contacts’ have been proven False — the last recourse of a Scoundrel is to lie his ass off … (and Mr Scoundrel has been repeating The Big Lie ever since, despite the mounds of evidence to the contrary — consider Exhibit “Kushner” for instance). Or the well-documented In-Box of Trump’s most pivotal Campaign Manager ...
Trump Distances Himself From Manafort, Says 'No Collusion'
by Ali Vitali, NBC News — Oct 30, 2017
Trump said the allegations against Manafort stem from "before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren't Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus?????"
"Also, there is NO COLLUSION!" the president added. [The Big Lie.]
Trump was responding to the news that Manafort, along with longtime business associate Rick Gates, was indicted by a federal grand jury on 12 charges, including conspiracy against the United States. Gates and Manafort surrendered to law enforcement Monday, and entered a plea of not guilty.
Separately, another Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, struck a cooperation deal with Mueller, secretly pleading guilty three weeks ago to lying to federal agents about his contacts with Kremlin-connected Russians, court filings unsealed Monday showed.
Drats! Foiled again.
Meanwhile at the other end of Trump Conspiracy Avenue …
Who’s who in the George Papadopoulos court documents
by Rosalind S. Helderman, Washington Post — Nov 2, 2017
“Another high-ranking campaign official”: Campaign chairman Paul Manafort
The court filings indicate that Papadopoulos emailed “another high-ranking campaign official” on May 21, 2016, with the subject line “Request from Russia to meet Mr. Trump.”
The Post has previously identified this official as Paul Manafort, who was indicted Monday on unrelated criminal charges.
Manafort forwarded Papadopoulos’s email to another campaign official, stating: “We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips,” referring to a trip to Russia. “It should be someone low level in the campaign so as not to send any signal.”
“Another campaign official”: Manafort deputy Rick Gates
The Post has previously identified the official who received the May 21, 2016, email from Manafort as his deputy, Rick Gates. Gates was indicted Monday on unrelated criminal charges.
Since Paul Manafort was “managing Trump with respect to DT’s Russian outreach” — Paul Manafort basically admitted in that email that “DT was interested” and “that someone else would have to take the Meeting so as not to raise suspicions” … (maybe someone in the Seychelles perhaps, could inconspicuously “take that ‘accidental’ Russian Meeting” in DT’s place).
And since 2 of the 3 co-conspirators documented here are already cooperating with Mueller, the Special Counsel probably already has most of the Facts that he needs, to prove collusion/conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence actors — many with direct ties to the Kremlin.
Mr Mueller shrewd attorney on a Quest that he is, would simply like to get the “subject” of the Investigation — to confirm or deny — the actual facts already in the evidence bin. Call it a “Pop Quiz” on Donald Trump’s “No Collusion” theory.
Easy as ‘Chocolate Cake’ Donnie Grab-hands, Giddy up.
‘Chocolate Cake’ one of Dishonest Don’s favorite past-times — besides Lying 24-7 that is.
That sit-down meeting, should it happen — will be one epic day, in the ongoing battle for Truth and ultimately Justice, concerning the Kremlin’s well-documented interference, in OUR American Elections. And proving out the once sacrosanct adage:
“Cheaters should never Prosper” … in the long run, that is.
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