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Whatever White House idiot thought it was a good idea to trot out Trump "adviser" Kellyanne Conway to respond to Trump's extended racist rant against non-white Democratic congresswomen would probably find themselves fired if there was a single competent person left in the sorry building. Kellyanne Conway is not who you send out to tamp down on a racism flare-up. Kellyanne Conway is the one you send out when you want to see if you can stoke the fire until the White House gas lines explode.
So here comes Conway, with the subtlety of a power saw, to attack the four congresswomen herself. Trump's not racist, she says. It's just that the four non-white congresswomen represent a "dark underbelly" of America.
"They represent a dark underbelly in this country of people who are not respecting our troops, are not giving them the resources and respect that they deserve."
Team Trump isn't racist, they're just "sick and tired" of "dark" Americans who by the way hate our troops and, Conway added, are "palling around with terrorists." So no, asserted Conway, Donald doesn't regret telling them to "go back" to where "they came."
Having thus Solved the problem of the White House being seen as stoking racism and bigotry, Conway apparently felt the need for a capper. Further defending Trump's demand that his non-white American critics "go back" to other countries, Conway asked the questioning reporter: "What's your ethnicity?"
When the reporter refused to answer, Conway insisted. "I'm asking you a question. My ancestors are from Ireland and Italy." It is relevant because Trump "said 'originally from.'"
The reporter, Andrew Feinberg, is Jewish. And the spectacle of a top White House official belligerently demanding that a questioner reveal his "ethnicity" was not lost on anyone. ("Most Jewish Americans will recognize" Conway's questioning, noted reporter Benjamin Freed. "It's the insinuation that we're from somewhere else, guests in our own country and possibly loyal to another flag.")
Even the scenery-chewing Conway at some point afterwards finally realized she had stepped in it. This necessitated issuing a statement, or at least a tweet. "This was meant with no disrespect," wrote the incessantly disrespectful Trump aide, adding "I am proud of my ethnicity, love the USA & grateful to God to be an American."
So there you go. Kellyanne Conway began the day attempting to claim that Trump telling non-white Americans opponents to "go back" to where they came from was not raw racism based on their ethnicity. She did this by calling them America's "dark underbelly" and demanding a Jewish reporter announce his own ethnicity. And please keep in mind that this is, quite literally, the best the Trump White House could do.
Smooth move, everybody. Consider this scandal tamped-down, and please do your best to avoid the pillars of flame as you flee the building.