Yesterday marked the 89th Anniversary of the Spanish Republicans winning the vote to make the Second Spanish Republic in 1931.
When the fascists launched an insurrection to overthrow it in 1936, people from all over the world came together in a "Popular Front" to fight it, most famously one of my personal heroes, English Socialist George Orwell (See his great book "Homage to Catalonia"). The Left saw it had made a bad mistake in Germany in the Weimar Republic in a "Red-Brown alliance." That is allying de facto with the Nazis against the center-left. Once the Nazis gained power the Left was all shot or sent to concentration camps.
I see what Bernie is doing today in endorsing Biden as forming a “Popular Front” to fight the Racist White Nationalists in America. A “Popular Front” does not mean you agree with everyone in it on every issue. However, you are united in fighting fascism. The left to the center and (even the center-right) need to unite now to end this nightmare of Trump. The Krystal Balls and Kyle Kulinskis better realize what they are doing. They are endangering us all.
Bernie is a man who cares for the future of this country and democracy. He realizes we do not have time to make this about ourselves and our privilege.