Despite the widespread misconception, Republicans do not want to privatize the US Post Office. They never have.
Similarly, they don’t want to privatize Social Security either. Or Medicare. Or Medicaid. And it’s time we stop saying that they do.
What Republicans want to do…..what all so-called Conservatives want to do… to commercialize these programs. People like privacy. Privatizing something sound so innocuous.
But when you take something that is run entirely for the benefit of society, without any attempt to make a profit on it, and you turn it into something that investors will demand make a profit, you are commercializing it. You are turning it into a for profit entity. And corporations will do anything to turn a profit, and as large a one as possible, the public good be damned. And the public knows this. They’ve seen it time and time again.
Messaging matters! Please stop using the term “privatizing.” It hides the true nature...the true danger...the true evil behind it. We need to start using the term “commercializing.” “Turning things over to Wall Street banksters” has a nice ring to it as well.