Went out for a short walk yesterday, to one of my favorite spots. As I got there I saw these two birds. When I got back home I tried to i.d. this bird species; no luck. Closest I can get is… ? A warbler of some species?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Now this one I know. But this is the first time I’ve ever photographed it. A grand bird, I daresay.
We get lots of Sandhill Cranes around here but they’re usually either flying high and out of sight and all you get is their unmistakable call, or they’re off out far away in a field or meadow and very difficult to photograph. Before I got this photo several other Sandhills had already flown off just as I was getting set to sit down and observe. These birds, I guess, have good eyesight and aren’t comfortable with people around, even from quite some distance away.
I’m just tickled pink that I finally have a Sandhill photo.
Here’s another, but a bit out of focus:
Besides birds there were a few deer.
Here’s hoping you are able to get out and enjoy the natural world too.