I miss Adam Schiff. Seems like the last time he appeared in the news was, let’s see, 30 years ago? Or does it just seem that way?
Well, he’s still a thorn in Donald Trump’s side. And he still has a deep understanding of our Constitution that has somehow eluded the pr*sident. (If you can show me any evidence that Donald Trump has even read the Constitution I will snort a line of bullet ants through my own fibula and then party on by playing my defleshed metacarpals like a pan flute.)
Of course we shouldn’t reopen the country without a plan. And that plan needs to be informed by science, not wishful thinking or evangelist preachers’ bonkers interpretation of the Book of Revelation.
And this isn’t just a question of the stock market vs. public health. You can “restart” the economy all you want, but it won’t keep running if the virus comes back. Which it will, without a serious plan.
And the one thing you can count on is that Trump won’t have a serious plan, because this:
I thought the point of a Council to Reopen America was to make me feel safe about going out in public again, not make me want to hide in a survival bunker playing Fallout 4 until my toenails burrow through my Chuck Taylors.
Thank you, Adam Schiff, for all you do. If only the ocher abomination had the sense to listen to you.
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