My letter to the editor of the Towanda, Pa., Daily Review:
Craig Pierce writes that my letter of July 18 disparaged conservatives, but my letter made no mention of conservatives or conservatism. It did, however, point out lunacy.
Claiming that electing Joe Biden will cause us to abandon the Constitution, lose our freedoms, and become another Venezuela is not conservatism. It’s lunacy.
Speculating that Dr. Fauci worked with the Chinese to create the coronavirus and unleash it on the world is not conservatism. It’s lunacy.
Writing, as Mr. Pierce did, that Nancy Pelosi is a “socialist goddess” hell-bent on taking away our freedoms and instituting totalitarianism is not conservatism. It’s lunacy.
There was a time when Republicans would write sensible letters to the editor advocating such conservative values as personal responsibility, family values, rule of law, defense of the Constitution, honest government, smaller government, lower deficits, respect for the military, strong international alliances, standing up to dictators, and defending democracy.
Well, Republicans today cannot persuasively argue that Donald Trump stands for traditional conservative values, and they can’t persuasively argue that Joe Biden doesn’t stand for those values.
All they have left, it seems, is lunacy.
Dale Adams