Odds are you have Republican senators. Heck, if you’re south of Virginia, I guar-an-tee you do, cher.
I do, and I’ve just called the offices of both of my “legislators” in the upper chamber with a simple question:
“"Does the senator approve of the president's gutting the FEMA emergency fund at the height of an active hurricane season to pay for 4 weeks of unemployment extension?”
I had a few more things to say, like, “Shame,” and “If he won’t negotiate and legislate, why am I paying his salary?” and the like, but it’s that core question that I wanted put before them:
As the representatives of millions of people at risk of devastation if a major storm should come ashore in their state, are they okay with robbing FEMA’s emergency response funds so the president can look like he’s doing something?
Naturally, my senators’ aides could not answer the question, but promised to pass along my message. I rather doubt they will.
Unless millions more call to ask as well.