After 5 years of being homeless, getting by with the help of DuPage PADS, I moved from our temporary pandemic housing at Red Roof Inn to my own apartment. One of the PADS employees has set me up to be assisted by House to House — an organization that was set up after the founder realized that the previously-homeless were sent to new homes with just a mattress.
From the picture online, I thought this was purple. I still like it.
I wasn’t given a mattress — I arranged to move in on the day when I could have a mattress delivered. PADS gave me a pillow and I bought a comforter in a bag. I need more pillows. :) You can see the pole to a lamp next to the bed — I got two lamps like that. Unfortunately, I bought 100-watt bulbs for the top, instead of the 150 watt, 3-way bulbs required. Doof.
If the photographer turns to the left, they would be facing the walk-in closet — which is really both for clothes and linen, since there’s no linen closet anywhere else.
I hate fireplaces. But, a tv will look good over it. It will never be lit.
So, this would be the photo taken from the chair in the photo at the top of the diary. You can see the stupid fireplace. I hate fireplaces. I plan to get a basket and fill it with fake flowers, and put battery-powered candles around the base — maybe a couple of those tap lights shining down at the flowers — only to be used when I have company. The door directly to the right of the fireplace goes out to the hallway, and the door next to that is the “hall closet.” You can see into the kitchen to the right.
Front rooms, continued
Looking straight north from that same chair. The “hall closet” is to the left. Bathroom and bedroom are to the right, where you can see the break in the wall. Straight ahead is the dining area (though I think that it’s mostly going to be my office area.) To the left of the dining area is the kitchen. I now have a little microwave (thank you, PADS!) on the lower cabinet that is facing us. The fan is over the electric oven, the refrigerator is next to that. Along the near wall are a dishwasher, sink, and an awesome pantry. A room to the far left holds a lovely washing machine and dryer. That makes me oh! so very happy!!
Lenox mug with hummingbird.
I looked up “dinnerware sets” with “birds” and got few options. One was the wicked-crazy set by Lenox that costs $304 for 4 4-piece settings. I love the birds, but … geesh. So I bought just mugs. Plus a set of plain white Corelle dishes. :) Just 4 settings for now, but I’ll get a second set of the Corelle, eventually.
The lady in charge of setting up housing for PADS is arranging for a group to come in and speak to me — these people were upset to learn that the homeless were given an apartment with a mattress (I had to buy my own!), and were determined to really HELP. So, they will come to speak with me about how I’d like to decorate my place, and then go back to their warehouse and come in and deliver and decorate my place… And anything needed that they don’t have gets ordered from Amazon. REALLY?!!! Wow! I already got a tv — to be installed next week; I will be glad to let House to House get my table, sofa, chairs, desk, etc. I can’t wait!!
Yesterday was the 45th day since I started working at the new job. They fire you if you can’t make it through the first 90 days without an unscheduled day off, so I feel really great about being halfway there! 90 days comes at about September 26, and after that, I can actually take some vacation days. Yay! Another “I can’t wait!”
I want to thank everyone here who has read any of my diaries — and anyone who has sent me money via Paypal or gift cards to get me through any minute of those past 5 years. PADS has been great. DKos has been absofreakinglutely fantastic! Thank you for everything. Especially, especially your kind words.