I went outdoors this morning. Pressley came along and we made a very thorough examination of the situation. I am happy to report, the sky is NOT falling.
Yes, what tRump is trying to do to the Post Office is outrageous and despicable. It is also in the process of exploding in his face. Have you had a conversation with your letter carrier recently? I have and they are pissed. He just inspired 600,000 potential voters to make sure they support the other guy. Some of them will convince others to do the same.
tRump has publicly admitted he walked away from the tRumpVirus negotiations because he would not sign anything that included help for the Post Office. He also publicly said that he was crippling the Post Office because he wants to suppress the vote.
tRump owns walking away from funding: for states that are hemorrhaging money fighting the pandemic; for increased testing to get a handle on the pandemic; for mortgage, rent and loan forgiveness; for extended unemployment benefits; for further research on the vaccine; for PPE supplies for front-line workers. He does not possess the skills or credibility to pass the blame for not getting anything done on to others.
Months ago, the House passed a $3 trillion dollar bill that addressed all those concerns (and more). The Senate and tRump have produced exactly diddly squat. That is no way for them to win votes. tRump’s three memoranda and an executive order are being roundly mocked as empty gestures, solely created for capturing a news cycle. The republican’s endless march of missteps will continue to reduce their support base as more people have epiphanies. Spend some time at Republican Voters Against tRump and check out the stories.
Even White House reporters are standing up to tRump. On Thursday, S.V. Dáte directly confronted tRump about his lies. tRump did not respond.
tRump will be forced to cave on defunding the Post Office. He’s already started to walk back his earlier statements. This is like the Magastapo invasion of Portland. He can’t sustain the negative response. It is penetrating his happy space and he doesn’t have any options, except to surrender and claim victory. That has been his modus operandi throughout his time in office. He overreaches, runs into a storm of criticism, admits his dubious motive, and has to retreat while making some self-serving face-saving absurd pronouncement.
GOTMFV (and do it early)
Up the Resistance!
Music for Resisting
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Evening Shade appears every evening at 7:30PM Eastern (unless I get lazy).