What is playing out in Sturgis now is terrifying. A gathering of three hundred thousand unmasked campers, partiers, shoppers and indoor concert goers… for a ten day period… from all over the U. S. This is guaranteed to be by the far the worst spreading event of the entire covid period, probably in the entire world! And not one recent word from the 24 hour MSNBC news cycle. I am a fairly loyal watcher of the evening shows (Joy Reid, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell) and had not heard a peep. I thought maybe I had missed it so I Googled “MSNBC Sturgis”, and all of the hits are from 5 or 6 days ago! Could someone stop talking about the Post Office and focus some attention on this disaster.
Compare this reaction to what is happening in Europe now. This morning’s Washington Post headline: “British holidaymakers in France told to immediately return home or face 14-day quarantine” - all because cases have now risen in France to 2500/day – 5% that of the U.S. In any rational country, we would barricade all the roads leaving South Dakota and demand that the idiots quarantine themselves.