It’s really very simple: By taking the actions he has to damage mail-in voting, he’s made it clear that if he *wins* — there is no reason to take his victory as fair or truthful. In his efforts to delegitimize his *defeat*, he has done even more damage to his own prospects upon re-election.
I would join a suit if he wins re-election arguing that his actions infringed on it to the point where it is invalid. I would march in the streets for such a conclusion.
At this point, if he is sworn in on Jan. 20th for a second term, I will treat any laws he passes as invalid, and the Federal government as, effectively, under foreign occupation — because that is what he has done to confidence in his own victory.
I know he doesn’t care — for him, however he gets a win is fine, whether he lies, cheats, or steals; it’s the prize, not the contest, not the rules, that matter.
If he steals the election, I hope whatever steps are needed to prevent his re-inauguration are taken.